BusinessObjects Board

WID Scanner

version: BOXI rls2
platform: MS Windows


download grep @

Updated 8/14/2007 – Version 1.1:

-fix export path, spaces were not allowed
-added FullClient documents to documentlist (no object scan is done, other tools available)
-added filesize in KB of the documents
-Instances are (if wanted) excluded in a proper way (43.0 KB)

jbo :monaco: (BOB member since 2005-07-31)

list all reports using specific object in Universe
Identifying all reports that use a particular table/objects
[BO XI R2] Webi report documentation generator
WebI Documents Inspector for BOXI 3.1
Reports using a field In Universe
Pre-canned Metadata report
BIAR file keeps growing every week
Macro to retrieve webi report SQL
Duplicate object
Scanning all Reports
Universe Associated with the Reports
How to document webi report cell formulas automatically.
Need the Reverse Engineering tool for Webi Reports
Referencing List in variable
Cross-referencing DB Tables, Universe and Reports
List of Result Objects
Extract SQLs used in a webi reports
Find reports which use a fact table
Tablenames for each WebI Report
Retrive metadata details through java sdk
Is there a way to document WebI reports
Object list used in all reports from repository
List of BO Report Names based on the table name
List of Webi Reports using a specific Data base Table/Column
Finding tables and views from reports
Universe meta data report
Report that lists all BO Reports
Retrievin structure of a Webi/DeskI report
Monitoring Scheduler
Search for text in all reports formulae
VB Script for WebI report
How to find all webi documents using a specific object...
Retrieve result objects without opening doc
Function for Where Used
how to get a list universe objects used by reports
To find List of objects used in a WebI report
How to identify particular object in reports
How to identify reports where an object or LOV was used
How to identify reports where an object or LOV was used
How to document settings in Infoview
Is there a report or way to see where an Object is
Report Documentation
meta data about a given webi report...!!
Dump / Document a Report Utility?
retrieve table names from derived table's SQL (or in general
List objects used in a series of reports
List of Objects and Variables used in WebI report
Data dictionary for Webi Reports
Table Usage in Reports
list of used and unused objects in webi reports
How to know number of webi,deski reports,batch reports runni
Automatically create webi Report Documentation
Temp Directory Space issue
Retrieve objects used in a Webi report
Objects used in which reports
Objects used in which reports
Document WebI reports?
Objects used in report
[XI R2] Which Universe are in use?
objects in a universe used in report
User/Universe relationship
Webi Document
Retrieving Object Names from a WEBI report throug a macro
How to find which objects are used in report.
where i can see Universes
List report level variables in full client reports
List report level variables in full client reports
Universe Objects Used by Reports
Comparing Mass of Reports
BO (Ver 6x) WebI Report Documentation
Retrieving Dataprovider information
How to easyly have a lists of all available reports
Want to know given column is used in how many reoports
Webi variable controlling for huge reports
List of objects used in reports - WEBI
List objects used in a series of reports
Code to create a file that lists all rpts that use an object
XIR2 Query Builder Admin Reports
Can you change a Webi Report back into BO report?
Audit objects and database columns used by Webi Reports
[BOXIR2] Retrieve all folders of doc in Tree with VB .NET
Universe Auditing and Meta Data
Number of Reports from a Particular Universe
Alphabetized Index to BOB's Downloads
Creating Auditor report to show Folders and all reports?
Objects used in BO XI Reports
WEBI Inventory Report
Objects used in BO XI Reports
Finding the objects within a report .. using query builder
Document a universe using Excel and the Designer SDK
Macro or utility
analyse the reports
Can we find the report names using the Table names??
Find all reports that use a given column
list of reports using query builder

Approved, and moved to BOB’s Downloads.

MichaelWelter :vatican_city: (BOB member since 2002-08-08)

Revised with updated attachment – 8/14/2007

Bobarella (BOB member since 2004-02-12)

All I keep getting is “File not found”, every time I tell it to retrieve. Strangely, it does seem to find the files in the repo (saying 0/410) in the lower-right.

Can anyone help out with this?

XI R2 SP2, .Net InfoView only.


kevish :us: (BOB member since 2005-06-01)

It sounds like your BOE environment has references to report objects in the CMS database, but the actual report objects no longer reside on the FRS. I had the same issue as you when using this tool - you’ll want to modify the code to check for existence of the file before the filesize is checked, and before the file is grepped for objects used.

A good first step might be to take a look at the records that were generated to the flat file / access DB and see if you can identify which report is causing your issue.

crystal01 :us: (BOB member since 2006-08-30)

Has anyone tried to use the SECWINDOWSAD auth to access the information needed. I have tried it and it says I need the plugin but I don’t understand because we have AD setup in BOE.

Also, I am correct if you don’t have authority to the filestore path it will not access the information.

DonS :us: (BOB member since 2006-06-26)

@kevish: I updated the program some time ago and it checks for missing files now. If it still doesn’t work for you it probably has to do with not having access rights to the filestore.

cannot get it uploaded to bob so you will have to download here:

jbo :monaco: (BOB member since 2005-07-31)

This tool is AMAZING – incredible. :mrgreen:

The only thing I find is that, when I refresh to an MDB file (the only way to get the objects used, which is what we’re really looking for here), the MDB table wid_document_objects is empty. The Universes table is populated at looks great at first blush, just the objects table is empty.

You all have been so awesome on this with the input, so any additional help to get us the last couple steps would be very appreciated.

Thanks again,
Kevin. :wave:

kevish :us: (BOB member since 2005-06-01)

Do you have Grep installed and your classpath configured correctly? I experienced the same thing (everything worked fine but blank wid_document_objects table) when I didn’t yet have Grep configured correctly…

You should see a command line window “flicker” as it repeatedly executes the .wid file greps while the program is running - is this happening?

crystal01 :us: (BOB member since 2006-08-30)

I do have grep installed (2.5.1a-2) from SourceForge. The bin directory of grep is added to the path environment variable, and I have verified that typing an unqualified “grep” at a command prompt results in the command asking for options:

Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try `grep --help' for more information.

I do not observe the “flickering” that you mentioned.

You mentioned the classpath variable. Do I need to configure classpath also? I didn’t notice any .class files in the GnuWin32 directory.

Thanks again & Keep the input coming! :smiley:


kevish :us: (BOB member since 2005-06-01)

Will this work in Java env?
We are on BO XI R2 SP3 (Solaris) mounted on weblogic(Solaris) .

anair_bo :us: (BOB member since 2006-12-05)

it’s a vba macro so it will only work in a windows environment, if your server resides on a java env it doens’t matter as long you have access to deski…

jbo :monaco: (BOB member since 2005-07-31)

Got it! I added this line at 311, after noticing that the If bFileExists loop was short-circuiting. I’m not sure if I just got a bad download, since this code is definitely necessary, given the logic structure. The line I added is the third in this excerpt:

 sFileName = CStr("si_files").properties("SI_FILE" & iCnt))
 sFilePath = Replace(Replace(CStr("si_files").properties("si_path")), "frs://", ""), "/", "\")
 bFileExists = oFso.FileExists(cFileStorePath + "\\" + sFilePath + sFileName)

 If bFileExists Then

So, previous to my edit, the code was calculating an update to the file name and path, but was not reupping the bFileExists to reflect this change.

Hope this helps someone out there! I always like to post my resolutions and keep this board kickin’ butt! :yesnod:


kevish :us: (BOB member since 2005-06-01)

Oops :shock: , updated the link above.

jbo :monaco: (BOB member since 2005-07-31)

Great tool! Very useful. However I did find one bug (using the new version). The flat file extract breaks if a report has a carriage return in the comment section; it creates more than one row for that report.

Again, Thanks for a great tool! :o

Snabbles (BOB member since 2006-07-07)

I don’t have the full client :cry:

meutte :belgium: (BOB member since 2007-12-06)

This is a great tool, and this is a bit cheeky, but, is there any way I can add the number of rows returned for each document (what you see in Infoviews data summary page ? 8)

sdimb :uk: (BOB member since 2007-04-18)

I am not that expert on Grep command. Can some one please help me step by step to use this wonderful tool?

Thanks in advance.

BOpat :us: (BOB member since 2006-11-09)

You really dont need to know about the Grep command, you just need to have it installed on your PC - do a search in Google for a free download - then unzip the WID scanner and in Deski open the report. You will see an extra option on the menu bar ‘WID’ click on it and follw the instructions - its really is that simple.

Hope that helps :smiley:

sdimb :uk: (BOB member since 2007-04-18)


It’s a great function and working fine on XIR2 SP2
But can we get the same information about Universe log file instead of Reports….

Thanks in advance,

cva :uk: (BOB member since 2006-05-20)