User/Universe relationship


Goal: To pull a report from BOE which shows (a) All the active users (b) and which universes they have access to?

Steps I followed:

I was able to extract all the active users and groups from this nice little utility.

Then I went ahead and used this utility to see (a) author (b) report name (c) universe used

There were some discrepancies in the result. Many Webi reports did not show what universe was used.

If we joined these two excel (common object is user id) we could see what user used what universe.

Question: Is there a simpler/automated way to achieve this. We have an in-house DBA who can create tables for us, but how do we get started on this?

Mr. Moderator: Please redirect my question to the right thread if this is the wrong location

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Diamond :india: (BOB member since 2009-08-26)

There is no real way to get this info from the CMC or the auditor database. All your resluts will always be partial …