BusinessObjects Board

Disclaimer and Instructions for BOB's Downloads

Code samples and other downloads are posted as examples only. Be smart: be sure to understand the code before you use it in a production system. is not responsible for maintaining or validating the code samples or other downloads found here, and makes no representation as to fitness for any particular purpose. Use at your own risk.

:?: How do I get my code posted?
:idea: Post your code in the downloads category. Please include the following information with your post:

Author: (preferably including contact information)
Author notes: use the Quote formatting to highlight
Platform: If appropriate
Version: If updates are available
Code: use the Code formatting to highlight

:?: What if the code is rather lengthy, is an add-in, includes a VBA form, etc? What if the “downloadable” is a SQL script, sample universe, or other “non code sample” item?
:idea: Same as above. Post the information using the attachment feature in downloads.

After review, the final code or downloads will be copied into this area by a board moderator.

:?: How can I ask a question about a downloadable item?
:idea: Registered users should be able to reply to existing topics in this forum to ask the author a specific question. Users cannot start new topics in this forum; if you have something to submit please follow the instructions as provided.

:?: What level of support is offered for these items?
:idea: It is completely up to the author of the item.

BOB Downloads (BOB member since 2003-05-05)

BOB’s Downloads has been reconfigured to use the new Post Attachment feature of our board software. In the product forums you must be a registered member in order to view or download any attachments. In this forum, however, the downloads are open to guests. We certainly encourage you to register to be able to take full advantage of the many customization features that BOB has to offer, but we continue to provide BOB’s Downloads as a public library of useful utilities.

Bob (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

The email address for BOB’s Downloads submissions has been deactivated due to the amount of spam it now receives. It seems you can’t post an email on a web site anymore without getting advertisements for body part enlargements, various pharmaceuticals, or web sites with movie footage of dubious origins. :slight_smile:

We will be reworking the submission process for this area, and will post an update as soon as it is available.

Bob (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

Instructions in the first post updated.

Bob (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

The first post has been updated to reflect the new permissions settings for this forum. Registered users can now post questions about a specific downloadable item within that item’s topic.

Bob (BOB member since 2002-06-06)