BusinessObjects Board

Diff between two dates

I am trying to create a variable in Desktop Intelligence XI that will give me the diff between two dates. I used “=DaysBetween(<Admit Date & Time> ,<Order Date & Time>)” and I get just days. Is there a way to get his broke down to hours, minutes and seconds?

djohnson :us: (BOB member since 2007-07-26)

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Unfortunately no, DaysBetween() function gives the result only in days.

A possible workaround would be to convert both dates to the numbers of seconds from some date&time in past (for instance January 1 2008 00:00:00) then do the difference of these 2 numbers (to get the difference between date1 and date2 in seconds) and then convert the result back to hh:mi:ss for instance.

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

I am some what new to writing variables (no official trainng). Here is a variable I created but my numbers didnt look right…

=(((DaysBetween(<Admit Date & Time> ,<Order Date & Time>))*1440)+(ToNumber(SubStr(FormatDate(<Order Date & Time> ,“HH:mm:ss”) ,1 ,2)) -

ToNumber(SubStr(FormatDate(<Admit Date & Time> ,“HH:mm:ss”) ,1 ,2)))*48 +(ToNumber(SubStr(FormatDate(<Order Date & Time> ,“HH:mm:ss”) ,4 ,2)) -

ToNumber(SubStr(FormatDate(<Admit Date & Time> ,“HH:mm:ss”) , 4 , 2))))/60 :smiley:

I appreciate your help with this.

djohnson :us: (BOB member since 2007-07-26)


Try the following:

  1. Create a report-level variable that calculates the number of seconds between 2 dates:
=DaysBetween(<ADMIT_DATE> ,<ORDER_DATE>) * 86400
   ToNumber(FormatDate(<ORDER_DATE> ,"HH")) * 3600 + 
   ToNumber(Left(FormatDate(<ORDER_DATE> ,"mm:ss") ,2)) * 60 + 
   ToNumber(FormatDate(<ORDER_DATE> ,"ss"))
   ToNumber(FormatDate(<ADMIT_DATE> ,"HH")) * 3600 + 
   ToNumber(Left(FormatDate(<ADMIT_DATE> ,"mm:ss") ,2)) * 60 + 
   ToNumber(FormatDate(<ADMIT_DATE> ,"ss"))
  1. Then use this formula to format the variable:
=FormatNumber(Floor(<number of seconds>/86400) ,"0") &amp; " day(s) " &amp;
FormatNumber(Floor(Mod(<number of seconds> ,86400)/3600) ,"00") &amp; ":" &amp;
FormatNumber(Floor(Mod(Mod(<number of seconds> ,86400) ,3600)/60) ,"00") &amp; ":" &amp;
FormatNumber(Mod(Mod(Mod(<number of seconds> ,86400) ,3600) ,60) ,"00")

Did it work?

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

I tried the variable and it did not work. I get the error not enough parameters.

I noticed my commands are Admit Date and time and Order Date and Time. So I changed it and I get another error. Incorrect Data type DMB0003. When I look at the variable it has the + highlighted. I will copy upto where it is erroring out.

=DaysBetween(<Admit Date & Time> ,<Order Date & Time>) * 86400
( ToNumber(FormatDate(<Order Date & Time> ,“HH”)) * 3600 +
ToNumber(Left(FormatDate(<Order Date & Time> ,“mm:ss”) ,2) * 60 + (here).

djohnson :us: (BOB member since 2007-07-26)

Then try this one:

=DaysBetween(<Admit Date &amp; Time> ,<Order Date &amp; Time>) * 86400 + ( ToNumber(FormatDate(<Order Date &amp; Time> ,"HH")) * 3600 + ToNumber(Left(FormatDate(<Order Date &amp; Time> ,"mm:ss") ,2)) * 60 + ToNumber(FormatDate(<Order Date &amp; Time> ,"ss"))) - (ToNumber(FormatDate(<Admit Date &amp; Time> ,"HH")) * 3600 + ToNumber(Left(FormatDate(<Admit Date &amp; Time> ,"mm:ss") ,2)) * 60 + ToNumber(FormatDate(<Admit Date &amp; Time> ,"ss")))

It is in fact the same formula but written in 1 line instead of more. I used more lines above for the formula be more readable.

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

I hate to give good news and bad news in the same reply but… first thank you for your help.

It works great and all looks good. When I created the second variable i get an error message. "Not enough paramerters DMB0006 My curser starts flickering here


djohnson :us: (BOB member since 2007-07-26)

How about the same without carriage returns (no extra “enters”):

=FormatNumber(Floor(<number of seconds>/86400) ,"0") &amp; " day(s) " &amp; FormatNumber(Floor(Mod(<number of seconds> ,86400)/3600) ,"00") &amp; ":" &amp; FormatNumber(Floor(Mod(Mod(<number of seconds> ,86400) ,3600)/60) ,"00") &amp; ":" &amp; FormatNumber(Mod(Mod(Mod(<number of seconds> ,86400) ,3600) ,60) ,"00")

Did you give the first variable the name “number of seconds”? If you used any other name then you need to change the above formula accordingly.

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

OMG… You are the greatest! Thank you for all your help… If you havnt figured it out yet… it worked. :smiley:

djohnson :us: (BOB member since 2007-07-26)

Perfect 8) I am glad it helped.

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)


This has been fantastic advice and I have managed to recreate it for my use as specified. I have one question that puts a slightly different slant on it in that I would like to display my elapsed time in hours, minutes and seconds. Therefore if it goes over 24 hours, I’d still like my results to show something like 27:16:23. I don’t really understand Mod so any pointers would be really appreciated.

jmmorton :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-05)

Hi Jonno,

Then try the formula from this post:

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

That’s fantastic - worked a treat. Thanks ever so much Marek.

jmmorton :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-05)

Hi Mark,

I have similar problem. I tried your solution but it didn’t worked please help me.

I have 2 dates

  1. Submit date (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)
  2. Responded date (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

User wants to know the response time in HH:MM:SS

the date in the data base is entered in UTC and we are using a custom function in oracle to extract date from that UTC in to BO based on time zone.

Help me with this as this is really imp…

Thanks in advance,


sam4u :us: (BOB member since 2008-01-09)

when you said that you should have also said what the problem was, how it behaved. Did you get any error message or wrong results or…?

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

Hi Mark,

There was some syntax error ( missing paranthesis) i fixed it an finally it worked. Thanks for your response.

sam4u :us: (BOB member since 2008-01-09)

This is a very interesting article, many thanks for posting it however, is there an easy way to add a time field to a date field to give a date time field?



figdatbong :uk: (BOB member since 2008-03-27)


This topic may help:

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

Hi Marek

I would like to thank you for submitting this and other related posts. Using them as a guide, I have been able to develop a solution that works i.e. determine whether contractors are meeting specified targets.

Many thanks



figdatbong :uk: (BOB member since 2008-03-27)

Hi Marek,

The solution with the formulae to the time difference worked out well.

You are brilliant. Thank you.

bobuser9 (BOB member since 2007-04-20)