SAP BI Repository Documentor - SAP BI BusObj 4

The attached spreadsheet for SAP BI (BO 4) will retrieve information about the object (Reports, Universes, Connections, Categories, QaaWS and disk usage) in the SAP BI environment.

It will also provide information as to which reports use a specific universe and which reports may be affected by a universe change too - as returned when querying via the query builder.

It should be ran under the administrator account for the best results, but also works for delegated administrators/users.

The first tab has a section on the supported types and usage guide. It also mentions some limitations – so PLEASE READ this first.

This utility should be ran on a workstation which has the full SAP BI client installation as it requires access to the libraries provided by the install.

If you are looking for the versions for XI R2 or XI R3 then please search for BOXI Repository Documentor.


N.B Developed using Excel 2010 & SAP BI 4 SP4
SAP BI Repository (434.0 KB)

Sushir Patel :uk: (BOB member since 2006-04-19)

1 Like

Moderator note:
Approved, and moved to BOB’s Downloads.

And thanks for sharing. :+1:

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

Hi Sushir,

Thanks for the uploading the code. What are the DLL files needed for running this code in BI 4? Where can I download them from?


BusObjGuy2 :india: (BOB member since 2005-05-27)

Hello Sushir,

Happy New Year!
Thanks for sharing the script. I was able to run the script using the BI4 client assemblies, without any error.
It extracted the information for Universe, Connections, and QAAWS. But it didn’t return any data for the Document, Categories, and UsageBy User.

Any ideas why?


Fernand_DaCien :us: (BOB member since 2006-05-06)

Hi Sushir,

Finally something to extract info from SAP BI 4 repository!

Great stuff!!! :+1:


scagliaf (BOB member since 2012-04-18)

Hi Sushir,

Thanks a lot for uploading the latest documentor. We are now upgrading to BI 4 Sp5 and I am hoping this file should still be able to pull.

I noticed that the ‘username’ column was missing under ‘Connections’ tab and this is a very useful information when trying to find out which connections are using what specific userids. We use ‘Generic’ userids and not personal userids and we want to know which connection uses what userid. This used to be available in ver 8 and now it is missing in ver 9. Is there anyway to make it available again?

Thanks again,

Anna :us: (BOB member since 2005-05-12)

Dear Shushir,

This Macro works like a charm.

But I am facing one problem.

I have just migrated my reports from BO 3.1 to BO 4.0.
Initaially all the Flash files were migrated and it had the type as “Flash”

After using “Dashboard ie Xelsius 2011” when we export it, the type changes from “Flash” to “Dashboards”

This “Dashboards” type is not being captured in your Macro.
Need to get documents with type “Dashboards” too.
Plz Help.

adityatanak :india: (BOB member since 2011-04-20)

Would it be possible to get OLAP or BICS connections added to the tool under connections?

We use BW as our data warehouse and connect using BICS which doesn’t appear under connections…

J0sh :australia: (BOB member since 2006-10-09)

I received an error:

“Failure in btnExtData_Click()”

Crystal Enterprise12.SessionMgr.1–2147210751:1000440

:?: :india: (BOB member since 2011-08-11)

Hiya Sush
How are you doing?

…I had asked a question but then realised you had catered for it anyway (as I should have known :lol: ) but I wasn’t able to delete the post


SandiR :uk: (BOB member since 2004-12-20)


This always comes in handy :slight_smile:

But I was wondering if there is also a universe available with information about the reports, users, rights, instances, …
I’ve had one for XI3.1, but it’s not working for BI4.0 offcourse.
Or can we create one ourselfes maybe ?
Does anyone can provide me with info about this?


snooms :belgium: (BOB member since 2011-09-12)

Hi Shushir,
Very Informative Upload. Thanks for your upload

david4nys (BOB member since 2013-07-22)


if I try to extract data from my 4.0 repository, I always get after some time the error

CrystalEnterprise14. FW_InfoObject.1 - 2147210694: 1000440

(sorry can’t attach the screenshot, my attachement quota is exceeded)

This error appears after extracting of metadata for 200-300 WebI, so generally the code works.
How I can resolve this problem?

fel (BOB member since 2008-10-21)

Hi Sushir,

I am facing the same issue as fel above.
Could you please let us know if there is any solution for that?


mafta (BOB member since 2011-05-18)

Getting an interesting error when the documents are being processed .

Error message:
CrystalEnterprise14.FW_Properties.1 --2147210697: Item 2 was not found in collection. 1000440

If I click OK the code continues to run . none of the documents info is captured but the universe information is. Oh the error does not occur until the # of # for the documents reaches the same ( all documents count) value


Windows 2008 r2
BOE 4.0 sp6 fp3

Any ideas :?: :crazy_face:

JonnySpec :us: (BOB member since 2008-08-01)

Hey Sushir
Thanks for the utility.

samirparmar (BOB member since 2009-03-11)

This utility doesn’t seem to work with Excel 2010 64-bit.

BO JACK (BOB member since 2006-07-27)

We have WebI, Crystal Enterprise & Analysis Workspaces that all connect to a BEx Query. Unfortunaly this tool doesn’t retrieve this information.
I’m looking how these can be retrieved. Especially for the Analysis Workspaces i can’t find anything in the SDK

jpva :belgium: (BOB member since 2006-03-28)

Hi Sushir,

Finally something to extract infos from SAP BI 4.0 repository!




orthon24 :de: (BOB member since 2007-11-23)

Hi Sushir,

Thanks for the Repository Documenter.It was very helpful.

We have a requirement to run this Documenter automatically every month and send to others through email.

Please let me know if there is any way where we can automate this using some batch script.

Thanks in advance


upkiranphani (BOB member since 2014-01-23)