Most people probably migrated from busob-l to Bob but a few people have dropped comments about ‘stumbling’ on to Bob. We’re especially curious about what constituted ‘stumbling’. Please vote and provide details if you learned about Bob from a search engine or in some other way!
[Edited to say generic “user conference” not “user conference in Miami” - Dave]
I learned about Bob from Andrew Sonner, who worked with me on a FEMA contract. I have mentioned the value of the exchange between knowledge seekers, forum moderators, and forum participants at BO courses, at customer sites and at meetings related to Knowledge Management. The word has not spread as far as it should have; so many missed learning opportunities!!!
Suggestion: Consultants on engagements, or Business Objects instructors teaching a course should relate stories of their successes using the forum.
Sue Coursey
I found out about Bob from the Osborne Business Objects book.
Previous searches yielded nothing…I knew that an online presence had to be somewhere out there but I came up with nothing. Perhaps I was searching feebly because ‘I found Bob’ via Google after registering.
I was impressed this week…I was at a potential client and I was asked if there were any forums…I mentioned that we should go to …they said “OH! You mean BOB!!!” I was thrilled to find out that when they were getting references from other BO customers that they said they couldn’t live without BOB!!!
I learned about BOB while doing a search on google for business objects help and came across it… and really pleased i have as its provided me with so much help and info. And this is before ive haad the confidence to post questions …