BusinessObjects Board

SAP BI Repository Documentor - SAP BI BusObj 4

I am getting the below error when i tried to run this excel

VBA Project - 1004: Application - defiled or object -defined error 1000095

Excel 2010
BI4.1 SP6

Anybody got this error and resolved it?


veparala (BOB member since 2008-02-18)

This no longer works in 4.2 SP4, not sure why. I do know SAP had major security changes in SP4 since this did work in 4.2 SP3 along with my other VBA apps. Any ideas on how to fix the Logon part? I get ā€œInternal Errorā€ :hb:

pcgeekus :us: (BOB member since 2003-10-16)

I got this working in 4.2 SP4 using Excel 2016.

I have the following References ticked: (may not need all though)

Visual Basic for applications
Microsoft Excel 16 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft Office 16 Object Library
Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
Business Objects Designer 14 Object Library
Crystal Enterprise Framework Library 14
Crystal Enterprise Infostore Library 14
Microsoft XML v6.0
Changing the following:

in Sub ConnectionDet():

Dim xml_doc As New DOMDocument
Dim xml_doc As New DOMDocument60

and make sure you save it as a .xlsm file so it keeps the vb code.

samdouglas77 :new_zealand: (BOB member since 2011-09-14)


I am trying to use below repository document or and facing below error when I try to run the excel on the server where BO application is installed.

This workbook has lost its VBA project ,Activex control and programmability related features.


HetalKataria (BOB member since 2017-10-17)

I know this a old post, but does anyone have a solution for this issue. ?

I am running into the same problem, however I am not sure if this is because I am using a WIN 10 client machine that has Office 2016, or if this is because the information that is being retrieved is from BOE 4.5 SP05.

Expertsā€¦Please help me

interactive :us: (BOB member since 2005-04-28)

A novice looking for help from experts - DO do I need loaded on my computer to run the Documentor? Does the server need anything else other than BI?

I am running Excel 2010 and BusOBj 4.0

Thank in advance for you help.


jacey41 (BOB member since 2012-06-15)

You donā€™t need anything extra on the server, you need the client tools on the machine that you are running Documentor on.

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Exactly the same error using BI 4.1 SP5 (yes itā€™s old, upgrade planning has been shifted several times ā€¦ )
Excel is 2016 here.
Itā€™s a localized (Dutch) version , that might trigger another problem (and yes I had to translate the error message to find a macht with this one - MS translation of error messages is ā€¦ like a google translate of it)

I get SOME results in the excel, though, before it bails out :

  • 1st tab MAIN is populated with my new choices in the ā€œrunā€ fields.
    - 2nd tab Documents : 2338 lines
  • 3rd tab Universes : ------------------------ EMPTY except for headers ?
  • 4th tab Categories : ------------------------ EMPTY except for headers ?
  • 5th tab Connections : ------------------------ EMPTY except for headers ?
  • 6th tab QaaWS : ------------------------ EMPTY except for headers ?
  • 7th tab Disk Usage by Group :
    FIRST a ā€œcircular referenceā€ warning, then
    ā€œTotal MBā€ filled as 9.536,74 ( is that ā€œonlyā€ 9Gb of documents ? ) and 2 big blue full circles showing 0 space available, 0 space used ?

- 8th tab DocDetails : 7609 lines

  • 9th tab Usage by user : ------------------------ EMPTY except for headers ?

Is there a way to make it work on BI 4.1SP5 ? Or do I just have to wait for the upgrade to be approved and installed ?
( BIPST needs extra server config, so gives only partial data as well )

RensH :belgium: (BOB member since 2007-06-18)

Same here, BI 4.1 SP5 :
limit the results using DATE fields, and ā€¦ see previous reply: 2000 lines in ā€œdocumentsā€, 7500 lines in ā€œdocument detailsā€, ā€œcircular referencesā€ on the disk usage chart page, empty for everything else, AND bail out with an error.

I read your remark, and tried ā€œwithout datesā€ : BINGO !
It finds 104 universes, 10.000 documents (try a different limit ?) , 22 categories, some 40ish connections,
The only measure that is not even ā€œcloseā€ is ā€¦ ā€œdisk spaceā€ : ALL of the space occupied by universes, nothing by (over 200) webi reports ?
But itā€™s getting better.

We now - finally - have a ā€œview on the systemā€
It does NOT show ā€œfrs/Outputā€ (instances) and does not give info on universes or documents "not opened since ā€¦ " but hey, itā€™s a free tool and gives a lot of details already.

THANK YOU all for developing this and tweaking it (commenting the tweaks here) to keep it alive.

RensH :belgium: (BOB member since 2007-06-18)

RensH :belgium: (BOB member since 2007-06-18)

I know the libraries changed - i have other little programs like this that have been affected.

Will try your fix but if not, can you share your xlsm? (BOB member since 2016-09-21)


I tried using BI reposiotry documentor and here are my observations:

SAP BO version : 4.1 SP 1
Mircosoft Office version : MS Office Professional Plus 10

I extracted the SAP BI docuemnt folder and then copied it to the BO server.
When i ran the excel, entering the csm(hostname), user ID(having admin rights) and password, it threw below error :
This workbook has lost its VBA project, ActiveX controls and any other programmability-related features.

To resolve this issue, go to Open Control Paneā€“>Programs and Featuresā€“>Select Microsoft Office and click Change in the menu at the top, or right-click Microsoft Office and select Changeā€“>Select Add or remove features and click Continue.ā€“>n the list that appears, click the plus sign to expand Office Shared Featuresā€“>Click the drop-down arrow next to Visual Basic for Applications and change it to Run from My Computer. Click Continue

After few mins, change will be completed and close the excel.

Now, open the docuemnt and it opens without any error.
Click on Get Document Details Button

Entered CMS,SUerName,Password.
It started to complie data and as soon as it started collecting data for conenctions, it threw an error.

Complie error:User-define type not defiend.

But, next time when i try to run, the excel i ented the dates, and selected only uniserse. it ran and populated data in universe tab.[/img]

HetalKataria (BOB member since 2017-10-17)

Hi, this doesnā€™t work from 4.2 SP4 onwards, any chance of an update please? (BOB member since 2016-09-21)

Its def the change in the libraries. We have SP5 and other Java based utilities that had to be rewritten. (BOB member since 2016-09-21)

It doesnā€™t like to run on a 64bit machine either. We have office 2016 and 4.2 SP5. (BOB member since 2016-09-21)

Have one of the macros been deleted from this file? When I click wither button nothing happens and I view the macros in the workbook I can only see the clear filter one

joa8 (BOB member since 2019-03-15)

Hi ,

I have tried the macro to get BO 4.2 sp7 content details

Compiled error:

User defined type not defined.

I have tried below changes .

uncheck all missing files and point them to available files
There is about 5 BOXI librairies used :
Crystal Enterprise Framework Library
Crystal Enterprise InfoStore Library
Crystal Enterprise Plugin Manager Library
Crystal Enterprise User PlugIn
Crystal Enterprise UserGroup PlugIn

Could you please help me on this.


ambed (BOB member since 2020-02-11)


While running the macro I am getting below error.

Compile error:
User defined type not defined.

Please can any one suggest.

ambed (BOB member since 2020-02-11)


I have a trouble with the connection to the CMS. After trying to connecte with my user to the CMS, it returns : ā€œUnable to log on : Could not connect to server xxxxxx:yyyy. Please check that the server name is correct, and that the server is running.ā€

Iā€™ve tried everything, with and without port number, trying to select references of the libsā€¦

Please somebody has an idea of this trouble ?


Is the client software installed on your machine? Can you connect via UDT, IDT or the other client tools?