This is where our FAQ for SDK Issues (including VBA, ASP, JSP) will be developed. This topic is posted as a “sticky” so that it will remain at the top of the first page. Only moderators will be able to add to the FAQ.
Please note that there may be code samples to support answers to frequently asked questions in the Code forum.
The only source that you can obtain documentation for the v5 / v6 SDK is from BusinessObjects. Depending on your version and license contract with the company you may or may not have a license and therefore a right to use the SDK documentation. Please check with your account representative to find out if you are licensed, and where you should get the documentation.
For the XI release, SDK documentation is available without a tech support ID in the Developer Library.
{moderator note: updated 15-Jan-2008 with a link for XI}
Can I build or distribute code written in VBA without a license for the SDK?
This sort of question is best answered by your BusinessObjects account representative. The general opinion is that even though BusinessObjects ships with VBA enabled for all users, you still need a license for the SDK in order to use or distribute code written in VBA. The best advice is to ask your account representative, and be sure to get the answer in writing. 8)
How do I automatically email attachments using Notes and BCA
Author:Sunil Amradkar
This sample code sends attachment using LotusNotes Client. You can make this code generic by removing hard-coded values
The main pre-requisite for this implementation is →
a) Lotus client should be installed
b) the sender’s Id file should reside on the same machine
To use in BO → create macro in VBA - and while sending that
report to BCA → add this macro in Action
Dim objNotesDocument As Domino.NotesDocument
Dim objNotesSession As Domino.NotesSession
Dim objNotesDatabase As Domino.NotesDatabase
Dim objNotesRichTextItem As Domino.NotesRichTextItem
Dim objNotesEmbeded As Domino.NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim MailDBName As String
Dim strPassword As String
Dim strUserName As String
strPassword = "newuser123"
strUserName = "John Smith"
Set objNotesSession = New Domino.NotesSession
objNotesSession.Initialize (strpassword)
MailDBName = Left$(UserName, 1) & Right$(UserName, (Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf"
(e.g. jsmith.nsf)
Set objNotesDatabase = objNotesSession.GetDatabase(" ip address", "/mail/" & MailDBName)
If Not objNotesDatabase.IsOpen Then
End If
Set objNotesDocument = objNotesDatabase.CreateDocument
objNotesDocument.AppendItemValue "Body", "This is a body text"
objNotesDocument.AppendItemValue "Subject", "This is a subject text"
objNotesDocument.AppendItemValue "From", "senders mail id"
Set objNotesRichTextItem = objNotesDocument.CreateRichTextItem("Attachment")
Set objNotesEmbeded = objNotesRichTextItem.EmbedObject(1454, "", "d:\", "Attachment")
objNotesDocument.CreateRichTextItem ("Attachment")
objNotesDocument.SaveMessageOnSend = True
objNotesDocument.Send False, "receivers e mail id"
Set objNotesDocument = Nothing
Set objNotesSession = Nothing
Set objNotesDatabase = Nothing
Set objNotesRichTextItem = Nothing
Set objNotesEmbeded = Nothing