XI 3.1 - File Store Disk Space Consumption Calculator

[EDIT: I changed the title to appeal more to users looking to manage their file store disk space]

Author: Jim McGregor, james.mcgregor@zionsbancorp.com

Author notes:


  • Julien Bras - I used Julien’s code from the “BOXI UserList & Group Extraction” as a base for this macro.
  • jrennatc from the Tek-Tips forum - I used jrennatc’s code to get the number of instances, recurring instances and avg runtime.

Required: Microsoft Excel 2007 / XI 3.1

Version: 2.0

Rather than post the code verbatim, here is an overview of the logic:

1. Connect to the CMS (Thanks Julien!)
2. First Loop - Loop through the three types of reports: Crystal, Webi, Deski
2. Second Loop - Extract the list of reports.
3. Third Loop - Count up the number of instances and calculate the avg runtime and sum the size of the instance files in MB. 

XI31_Retrieve Report Statistics Macro_v2.zip (39.0 KB)

alpha1145 :us: (BOB member since 2006-01-04)

Has this upload been approved by the moderators yet? This sounds like exactly what I am trying to do as well.

ajunell :us: (BOB member since 2004-05-03)

Send me an email to: james.mcgregor@zionsbancorp.com and I’ll send you the .xlsx file.

I’m not sure how long it’ll take the moderators to push this through.

  • Jim

alpha1145 :us: (BOB member since 2006-01-04)

Thanks Jim! This is a great utility and is going to be tremendously helpful. As you indicated in your email, only took changing the references to XIR2 dll’s to get it working on my system.

ajunell :us: (BOB member since 2004-05-03)

Moved to Downloads forum. Thanks for sharing.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

Great Utility… thanks for sharing !!!

Vills :india: (BOB member since 2007-10-24)


It is one of the best utility.
But not sure I am the only person who is facing the following issue :roll_eyes: .

After I exported the data from CMS in excel file,

  1. The coloumns “Number of Instances” & “Number of Recurring Instances” are showing “0”. But I have lots of Instances(Recurring too) in the Repository.
  2. The “Avg Runtime” & “Total Instance Size” columns showing as “-”.


r1r1r1 (BOB member since 2006-03-18)

I changed reference to use BOXIR2 .when i run the excel it opend up in VB format and highlights the below code.

“Dim SessionManager, Sess As SessionMgr”

If i try to compile,i get error"user defined type not defined".

Any thoughts?.

karen (BOB member since 2003-06-18)

Brilliant utility!!! Has just made my life sooooooooo much easier! Thank you :slight_smile:

creeno (BOB member since 2011-04-05)

This is amazing… Thanks for sharing!!


julien moore (BOB member since 2011-05-11)

Seems a nice ideam, but when I tried to run I obtain the karen error

“Dim SessionManager, Sess As SessionMgr”

I have BOXI 3.1 SP3

What can I do?

Best regards

pattern (BOB member since 2010-09-22)

just install the client tools on your local machine

tobauer (BOB member since 2007-04-10)

Trying to open it in EXCEL 2003 (corporate standard) - but it gives the “Uninitialized Activex Controls Will Not Be Opened in This Version of Excel

The Microsoft notes on this issue say -

If a workbook contains ActiveX controls that are considered to be Unsafe for Initialization (UFI), they are lost when you save the workbook to an earlier Excel file format. You may want to mark those controls as Safe for Initialization (SFI).

Any chance that you can change that setting on the XLSM file, so that we should be able to open it OK in EXCEL 2003…?

Thanks in advance.

MJRBIM :canada: (BOB member since 2007-03-23)

Hi –

I confess I rarely do anything with macros, so this may be obvious, but when I try to run it, I get “Compile Error Can’t find project or library”. Is there something else I should do?

Also, a couple questions:

  1. Our install is Linux - will this work for that, or is it assuming Windows?
  2. What’s the format for entering the CMS name - any port or anything?
  3. Any sense of how long it runs, or whether this should be done off hours?


Amy Miller :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-07)

This is great - a really useful tool.

Thank you!

stick_slinger :uk: (BOB member since 2005-12-20)

I am running into an error when I try to run the macro. The error is: “Access denied. You cannot log on to an older version of the CMS.”
I am running XI3.1 SP3 FP3. How do I get the macro to work for my version?

With regards,

dschurter :us: (BOB member since 2011-05-23)


I install office 2007 nad when try to run the macro I found this error:

Private Sub cbExtract_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Dim ModeRecalcul As Long
ModeRecalcul = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Purge existing data
'Session Manager declaration
Dim SessionManager, Sess As SessionMgr <-----ERROR at this line
'Enterprise Session declaration
Dim esession As EnterpriseSession
'InfoStore declaration

Any ideas? For us will be a great tool :frowning:


albertmoreno (BOB member since 2006-01-05)

HI All:
Seems to be a great tool. It blows up when reach about the report 1800. Our Filstore got so many reports and instances that the macro is erroring out and I need to check the code and validate it doesn’t have any restrictive setting as an array or variable declaration being too short.

How can I get the password to modify the macro?

Reinaldo NUnez

reinaldonunez :venezuela: (BOB member since 2004-10-01)

Gr8 tool, Works like a charm. Took under 4 minutes to fetch 5000 various reports…cant thank you enough. Keep up tyhe good work.

bo_daredevil :uk: (BOB member since 2012-12-07)

Does this work with XI 3.1? I get an error saying:

Access Denied. You cannot log on to an older version of the CMS

sdeshpan :us: (BOB member since 2005-06-28)