BusinessObjects Board

WID Scanner

Hi to all,

Do any one use the WID scaner for Unicode characters, Coz I have a problen in retriving arabic characters, I dont know where to modify, I try a lot of thing but it still not getting the arabic. (only in the wid_document_objects, other two tables are ok with arabic)

I do a search for the grep and it seems to have a special configuration to retrive UTF-8 cod, but i dont have any experiance with the grep function and how to use it.

I try to debug the code and it read the webi report fine and it extract the column name form it and store it to the TempObjects file correctly in arabic but it store it with a garbage in the MS Acces DB, so any solution??

I still use the V.1 of WID Scaner, with BO XI R2 SP3, and Grep 2.5.3

DataAdmin :bahrain: (BOB member since 2006-08-23)

Hi everyone!

We are having this same issue using 3.1. I have tried updating the references, but am still receiving the “Automation Error - One or more arguments are invalid” message. The line above is triggering the error, but I am not sure why.

Anyone have any thoughts on how to resolve this issue? We are using the 1.2 version of WID Scanner.


zorman1111 (BOB member since 2008-12-22)

Hi to all,

I found a solution to the Unicode problem in this site

I add the code and do some modification to the WID Scanner and it work fine now with the Arabic character :lol:

this is the codes:

Private Const CP_UTF8 = 65001 

Private Declare Function MultiByteToWideChar Lib "kernel32" ( _ 
    ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ 
    ByVal lpMultiByteStr As Long, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, _ 
    ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, ByVal cchWideChar As Long) As Long 

Public Function sUTF8ToUni(bySrc() As Byte) As String 
' Converts a UTF-8 byte array to a Unicode string 
Dim lBytes As Long, lNC As Long, lRet As Long 

    lBytes = UBound(bySrc) - LBound(bySrc) + 1 
    lNC = lBytes 
    sUTF8ToUni = String$(lNC, Chr(0)) 
    lRet = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, VarPtr(bySrc(LBound(bySrc))), 
lBytes, StrPtr(sUTF8ToUni), lNC) 
    sUTF8ToUni = Left$(sUTF8ToUni, lRet) 
End Function 

Public Sub ConvertUTF8File(sUTF8File As String, sANSIFile As String) 
Dim iFile As Integer, bData() As Byte, sData As String, lSize As Long 

    ' Get the incoming data size 
    lSize = FileLen(sUTF8File) 
    If lSize > 0 Then 
        ReDim bData(0 To lSize - 1) 

        ' Read the existing UTF-8 file 
        iFile = FreeFile() 
        Open sUTF8File For Binary As #iFile 
        Get #iFile, , bData 
        Close #iFile 

        ' Convert all the data to Unicode (all VB Strings are Unicode) 
        sData = sUTF8ToUni(bData) 
        sData = "" 
    End If 

    ' Now write it all out to the ANSI file 
    iFile = FreeFile() 
    Open sANSIFile For Output As #iFile 
    Print #iFile, sData 
    Close iFile 
End Sub 

thanks to the writer Tony Proctor

and I do this modification to the WID Scanner:

               '1.1 added hyphen to output-path
                sDBCS = "%comspec% /c " + "grep -a " + Chr(34) + "<Name>" + Chr(34) + Space(1) + Chr(34) + cFileStorePath + sFilePath + sFileName + Chr(34) + " > " + Chr(34) + cFL_Path + cTempObjects + Chr(34)
                'Debug.Print sDBCS
                'Debug.Print cFileStorePath + sFilePath
                oShell.Run sDBCS, 7, True
                Call ConvertUTF8File(cFL_Path + cTempObjects, cFL_Path + "TEMP.txt")
                Set oFile2 = oFso.OpenTextFile(cFL_Path + "TEMP.txt", 1)

just create a temp.txt and call the function :wink:

DataAdmin :bahrain: (BOB member since 2006-08-23)

I just got off the phone with BO Support and they asked me to use the following because they say that there are two versions of enterprise manager on my machine. I hope this helps with your issue also.

Set ceSessionManager = CreateObject “CrystalEnterprise115.SessionMgr.1”)

earngreen (BOB member since 2007-01-31)


I’m trying to use this tool on BO XI 3.0.
I’ve downloaded the wid file using the web intelligence rich client on my local system. This is the path I use for the Input file store.
I get the following error at the end “Item SI_WEBI_DOC_PROPERTIES was not found in the collection” with 0/146 in the Documents Processed. There are infact only 2 documents in the input folder I used.

Can you help ?

itsani07 (BOB member since 2007-07-09)


I’m trying to use WID Scanner tool on BO XI 3.0. Our BO Installation is on unix, while I am using hte DeskI client from Windows XP.
I’ve downloaded the wid file using the web intelligence rich client on my local system. This is the path I use for the Input file store.
I get the following error at the end “Item SI_WEBI_DOC_PROPERTIES was not found in the collection” with 0/146 in the Documents Processed. There are infact only 2 documents in the input folder I used.

Can you help ?

itsani07 (BOB member since 2007-07-09)

Hi to All,

Is it possible to refresh the report before scan it ???

why do I ask this question, i notice that when i update the univers in the designer such as dimension name, it wont update to the report till I run the report and refresh it and save it . so can WID scanner do the job for me? i am searching the net for some code so any one can help me with that?


DataAdmin :bahrain: (BOB member since 2006-08-23)

Not sure, if the above reply is related the the Question I had asked. But I came back here to say that I was able to copy the input file repository (from unix) into my local system (Windows) and the code runs perfectly fine. returning the objects used in the report.

Great code.

itsani07 (BOB member since 2007-07-09)

? - do you have to be on the server to run the report.

when I run it on my laptop, I get most of the information except it shows filesize = 0 and the wid_document_objects is not populated.

i have the grep set up correctly and it’s configured for the path.

trinie1 (BOB member since 2008-08-05)

Hi itsani07,

Can you pls detail the steps how you did it?
What I imagine is:

  1. Create a tar of the input FRS from unix.
  2. ftp over to windows machine.
  3. ???

Thanks in advance.

smartrisk (BOB member since 2006-05-25)

Newbie question, what libraries need to be installed to make this work?

This is an AWESOME FORUM! Thanks for all you do!

mschiff (BOB member since 2009-03-03)

Thanks this tool is great!

joefonseca79 (BOB member since 2007-07-03)


I want the list of all objects used in different webi reports.Will this utility give me the same? If yes,could you please tell me how wud I run this utility?

pr123 (BOB member since 2008-09-22)

Does this tool list the Variables / Measures / Dimensions created on a report?

joefonseca79 (BOB member since 2007-07-03)

I don’t think i’m setting up the GREP System Variable correctly. Can someone help me with this? B/C i’m not getting the object listing

Here’s what I have setup for my System Variable for Grep

Here’s a link to my setup.

joefonseca79 (BOB member since 2007-07-03)

I’ve been using this tool for a couple of months now. Suddenly I get an error:
Failure in usergroups:
CrystalEnterprise115.FW_Properties.1 - -2147210697: Item 6 was bit found in the collection. 1000440
Anyone has an idea?

meutte :belgium: (BOB member since 2007-12-06)

This is a great tool. Much appreciated mate.

BO_TN (BOB member since 2008-07-30)

Hi Joe, I don’t have a “GREP” System Variable in my configuration. I just have the following in my “PATH” System Variable:

C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin;

This works for me :wink:


Peter Hughes :uk: (BOB member since 2005-11-21)

I have trouble with the following line of code in the WID scanner

Set ceSession = ceSessionManager.Logon(ceUsername, cePassword, ceAPSName, ceAuthType)

The error is “Object variable or With block variable not set”.

ceAPSName is the server name and ceAuthType is secEnterprise.

Any suggestions?


Update: Got this working

wpepper (BOB member since 2009-04-01)

Hi Joe,

I am trying to use this WID Scanner and i am getting an error saying “File Not found”. I am providing the user id, password, server name and the file store location is a UNC path to a file store server. When i click start it try to start and it show 0\5235 at the bottom and then it throws an error message saying “File Not found” .Please help how to proceed further.


dinesh2005 :india: (BOB member since 2005-09-12)