Retrieve objects used in a Webi report

Hey all,
I am relatively new to java sdk. I am trying to figure out how to retrieve all the objects used in a Webi report.

I tried queryin the CI_APPOBJECTS which gives details of various objects in CMS that I connect to, but how do i find out to what report the object is linked to.

I can get the Universe on which the report depends using the CI_INFOOBJECTS, so even finding out the objects in an universe will help me.

thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

srijoy (BOB member since 2009-09-29)

Welcome to B:bob:B! Try WID Scanner in BOB downloads.

Jansi :india: (BOB member since 2008-05-12)

hey Jansi thanks a lot.
I have already looked into the WID scanner, however its a VBA script. I am trying to find out a solution in java. Any help is welcomed :slight_smile:

srijoy (BOB member since 2009-09-29)

This info is not stored within the CMS…

thanks Sebastien,
but is there a way to extract that information using java?

srijoy (BOB member since 2009-09-29)

I don’t think so …

A gentleman from this thread attempts what you’re trying to do with seeming success.

There’s a good deal of “heavy lifting” but it should get you on your way - good luck!

Atul Chowdhury (BOB member since 2003-07-07)