Prompt Already Exists

Any ideas on this one?
Version 6.1b (also occurs in other V6 releases)

If i edit a query and add a new prompt I receive the error
“Prompt already exists”

A prompt with the same name did exist at one point in the report, but has long since been deleted.
This occurs for a number of reports with various prompts.

I built a new test repository with a dummy connection etc and dumped the unv and report into it,
Simply to see if the error occurred when accessing the query panel and adding a new prompt.
So it’s not repository related…

Any ideas?

Reporter Bloke :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-20)

I had a similar problem once but, when I removed all the conditions from the panel and re-entered them it worked for me. Sometimes its funky to make things work in Buinsess Objects…

Bharat :india: (BOB member since 2004-05-03)

Let me guess. The query wasn’t purged before it was deleted? Have you ever heard of phantom queries? I bet it’s still “there”…

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

Goto Data manager, click on each of your queries and click the “purge” button on the right panel.

PBS_rocks (BOB member since 2004-03-17)

I’ll give it a go -

although unfortunately will have to do this for 100+ reports with
multiple queries in each report :frowning:

Reporter Bloke :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-20)