Prompt already exists....[Problem unsolved]

I have faced prompt already exists quite a few times. With some kind of work around i could some how solve the problem…with work around, i mean some suggestions suggested in the forums like these…,

But now it looks like as if i will have to redesign the entire report…it would be gre8 if someone can suggest me some good solution.

Thanks in advance.

arunarao (BOB member since 2004-06-29)

arunarao – welcome to BOB :mrgreen: ! I might suggest that you make a practice of purging data providers before you delete them.

Also – please make a habit of spelling out words completely here on BOB – for example, please write out “great” rather than using shorthand like gre8. It’s not that much harder to type, and it’s much easier for all of our members to read.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

Hi Anita,
Thanks for the suggestion.
I had to redesign the entire report as none of the options were working out. What i learnt from this is that these kind of problems should be avoided by properly closing the report especially when we are having macros overriding the query generated by the business objects.

arunarao (BOB member since 2004-06-29)