BusinessObjects Board

Login disabled by supervisor

Hello Experts,

I have problems with BO 6.5 again. This has happened before and I posted a request to change the GSUPERVISOR password. I have already done this by following the instructions in

and re-set m_actor_n_status = 1, however, I still get this error message when I try to login

Your login has been disabled by your supervisor.

My question - is there a flag that I can re-set somewhere to re-enable the GSUPERVISOR user. I thought that re-setting the password and status would be enough but apparently not. Thanks in advance for your help

bencouve (BOB member since 2006-05-19)

Can you post the line of that user. I mean the result of select * from OBJ_M_ACTOR where user_name=’’. Don’t need the password info …

Sebastian thanks for your post because it made me realise I had not committed the update. Sorry to have waisted your time but thanks again as I can connect now. Just a few other problems seem to be surfacing which I am looking into.

bencouve (BOB member since 2006-05-19)