How to start on bobj-board?

Here is a short guide on how to start on this board. This guide have been written mainly for users coming from the formal BOB forum.

  1. Start by creating an account with the Sign Up button.
    Note: users have NOT been migrated from BOB forum to bobj-board for privacy reason. So no e-mail or any personal information have been migrated. All content have been migrated linked to a technical user (system)
    Currently we are allowing only email/password style login, but we want to offer social logins in the future as it supported by the platform we are using. It will help with notifications, and save what you have already read. And you will be able to answer or ask a question :wink:
  2. Consume the forum from your desktop or on mobile. Discourse is well fitted for mobile usage. You can also install it (like an application via your mobile browser, Add to homescreen option or Discourse native app)
  3. The editor is not same when you create a topic or anwser. It is based on markdown syntax but it accept also bbCode. A preview screen on the right is helping you to preview the rendered version. Do not hesitate to drop or paste an image in the editor, it will be correctly rendered.
  4. Use the internal messaging system to directly contact another user ! No need to share your email ! Contact me here if you have a private question @julien (this @ will notify the corresponding user)
  5. You can re-link previous content to your new account: Re-link previous owned post on BOB to your current profile