Hi All,
I have developed an utility which will fetch the user group details from the SAP Business Objects repository and will provide the output in the excel format.
I have developed this utility using the JAVA SDKs which uses the libraries of SAP Business Intelligence 4.1 version.
In order to use this utility with your SAP Business Objects servers, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Download the attached zip file and extract it. It has the JAR file.
Step 2: Configure the CLASSPATH variable for the below libraries on the system where you will run this utility.
Required Libraries can be found at :
C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib
Dependent Libraries can be found at :
C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib\external
Step 3: Copy this utility to the same folder where you have copied above libraries and set the CLASSPATH variable for this utility as well.
Step 4: Open the command prompt and run the following command.
java.exe -classpath %CLASSPATH% UGDetailsM administrator password "F:\JavaOutput\UserGroupDetails.xlsx"
Points to note for running the above command:
- UGDetailsM is the class name which needs to be used in the command as it is. It is case sensitive so please use it as it is.
- Provide the IP address for SAP Business Objects server.
- Provide the Username/Password to login to SAP Business Objects server.
- Provide the file name along with the extension of excel file in double quotes.
- File name and Path can be anything.
- This utility will only work with enterprise authentication since I have hard coded it in the source code.
Step 5: Generated excel file would be in the below format.
[list]User ID
Full Name
Email Address
Last Logon Time
Creation Time
License Type
Group Details[/list]
This utility is tested with SAP Business Intelligence 4.1 version only. I am going to develop the same utility for SAP Business Intelligence 4.2 and SAP Business Objects 3.1 versions as well and will share it soon.
Please use this utility and share your views.
UserDetailsSAPBI41.zip (7.0 KB)
Swapnil_Yavalkar (BOB member since 2012-03-15)