Conformed Dimension in universe

I have 12 facts and 19 dimension,In which 5 are confirmed dimension.While desgining the universe i got 13 context.Is there any specific method to design the universe with the conformed dimension.

Rajasekar :india: (BOB member since 2004-07-16)

Universe design will be the same , it should not make any difference if a dimension is confirmed or not for the universe design.Please check the fact table design like if it has a master detail kind of a relationship.With this you should be able to make out the reason for getting 13 context.

Pradeep :india: (BOB member since 2004-06-09)

Actually, it does make a difference as conformed dimensions should not be aliased (for the various fact tables). The conformed dimennsions should be joined to each fact table and the joins be included in the proper contexts.

If you have only conformed dimensions and facts then the universe design is very straight forward. Remember, conformed dimensions act as glue for the various fact tables.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Hi Friends,
Thanks for the reply.I have used 13 Contexts and solved the loop.But how to verify that my universe design is correct.

Rajasekar :india: (BOB member since 2004-07-16)

Create few reports and compare with the legacy ones… See that your report results are correct. If not check what changes you have to make in the Universe to get correct results… as Andreas suggested.

BO_Chief :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-06)

Thanks for the reply.I have created a calculation in universe.when i include that variable in the report i am getting incompatible objects error.Looking for the suggestions.

Rajasekar :india: (BOB member since 2004-07-16)

First check are there any loops still exist, If yes, solve them.

For Incompatibility follow this:

If the tables used in the query belong to two separate contexts, then incompatible objects generate multiple select statements and thereby retrieve multiple microcubes.

  1. In Designer, go to File > Parameters > SQL tab.
  2. Check the option “Multiple SQL Statements for each context”.

Note: BusinessObjects generates two select statements if the joins in the query do not belong to the same context.

BO_Chief :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-06)

I have checked that option already.This problem arises,when we use a calculative measure.we have ten calculative measure .when we use this in the report we are getting incompatible object error.

Rajasekar :india: (BOB member since 2004-07-16)

Check the following link for incompatibility issue:
See that you have atleast one or more conditions met… from the link

How many DP’s you have in your report ? Are there any linked dimensions between the DP’s?

BO_Chief :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-06)