Can't fix #computation in summation table

I know I am a noob, and this is a frequent question, but I have searched and followed directions. I still can’t overcome the dreaded “#computation” error.

This is what I am dealing with. I have BO 5.1.
I have created 2 variables. 1 variable calculates off another. No matter what I try “In”,“ToNumber”,“ForEach”, I cannot get a total other than a summation at the end of the corresponding columns of the table. I try to create another report, insert a table, and have just the totals for one dimension and sums for the 2 variables I created. No matter what I try, it gives me the error.

Here is the variables:

Name “Bump” (as a MEASURE and and are DIMENSIONS)
Code = If (= “O”) Then 0 Else (If ( =“4”) Then (*0.005) Else 0)

Name “BDF” (as a measure and all are measures)
Code = ((-)*)+

Even with the Variable removed, I still get the “#commutation” on the other table when I try to “=Sum()”.

I appreciate the help. I am in dire straits. :oops:

Da Tick (BOB member since 2004-07-12)

Hi, welcome to BOB! :bob:

Before I go into a long-winded answer, did you try creating your summary table as a copy of your detail table and then fold it?

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

Thank you for the welcome.

When you say “fold”, I am assuming you are talking as setting as a master. If so, I don’t want to do this since I wanted to put all the summations in one nice report, so I can export into Access. And the sheer size can be staggering do to so many possible main categories that I want to sum up to.

The calculations have to be done at each individual line due to unique characters only found at the line level. Since I am dealing with thousands upon tens of thousands of lines. I just want it grouped by the main category after the formulas are done.

I hope you understand. And I apologize for the lack of BO language.

Da Tick (BOB member since 2004-07-12)

Folding is a different technique from using sections (aka Set As Master). It allows you to create a detailed table with breaks, fold those breaks, and display only summary lines.

When you have calculations that require a certain level of detail (as you appear to have) those dimension objects must be present in the block in order to define the context. If those dimension objects are removed, you get the #COMPUTATION error.

Here’s a simple case that will get you started:

Build a report from eFashion with State, Store Name and Sales Revenue. Create a Break on State, followed by a Sum on Revenue. Now open Slice and Dice (there are other ways but this is easy) and double-click on the break icon for State. Click the “Fold” option.

Note that the State and the total revenue are displayed, but the store names are not. That’s what folding does. :slight_smile:

Now your report is (obviously) more complex. But use the same concepts (apply a break and then a fold) and you’ll see that you can get the formatted results that you need.

Do a search for “fold” using the “Search this forum” box on the top right corner and you’ll get more details about folding reports.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)


You the man.
It worked great. I have never seen this prior to this forum. Amazing what you can learn with proper instruction. My User Guide only has a paragraph on folding. It is nice tool. Just have to remember to do break before you sum.

Thanks once again. :smiley:

Da Tick (BOB member since 2004-07-12)