Can you fold twice?

This deals with my earlier question

Now the issue is I want to fold two columns.
A unique column, call it “Name”, and another with “date”.

I want do the sum of sales for all the “dates” under each “Name” and keep them seperated.

I try 2 breaks, but once I fold it sums up to “date” or “Name” depending on the fold applied to which break.

Master helps, but it doesn’t make the formatting easy to export into a Access.

Da Tick (BOB member since 2004-07-12)

I figured a solution.

Created Master on “Name”.
Folded on “date”.
Added column to left of “Sales” and dragged the Master into it.
Now each “date” sales sum has a corresponding “Name”.

Da Tick (BOB member since 2004-07-12)