Best Practice to migrate BO 5.1.x to BO 5.1.9 ?

Hi everybody,

I’m new in BusinessObjects and I must do a migration from BO 5.1.2 to BO 5.1.9.

I’m searching on the Web the best ways to do it, but i didn’t find anything for the moment. I’ve done a search on this forum, but didn’t find anything too.

In fact, I have some reports (.rep) and some universes (.unv) to migrate to XI R2.
Someone told us it was better to migrate before to BO 5.1.9, and my client want to use this way.

How to migrate properly the .rep and .unv ? Is it OK if I open and register them in the 5.1.9 environment ? Or is there a better practice ?

Please, could you give me a detailed procedure because i’m really new in BusinessObjects (a french procedure would be great, if it’s possible).

Thanks in advance,



Edit : my environment :
Windows 2000, XP (2003 soon)
BusinessObjects 5.1.2, WI 2.6.2
Targets : BO 5.1.9 and BO XI R2 with MHF 1
Oracle 6i (9i coming soon)

KDE :fr: (BOB member since 2006-11-15)

yes Karine,since there is a BO calculation engine changes happened in it’s better to migrate to 5.1.9 and then to XIR2.

Rajasekar :india: (BOB member since 2004-07-16)

Are you planning on just installing 5.1.9 and using the existing repository? (No upgrade to the repository tables should actually be involved.) Or are you planning on cloning the repository elsewhere?

If you’re just using the existing repository with the new version of software – you’ll need to open each report, and refresh and see if there were any changes due to changes in the calculation engine (which happened in version 5.1.4, I think).

Here’s a past discussion – which has a link to a BusinessObjects support page which discusses the changes, and has an impact analysis tool.

If you’re cloning the repository – you have to be sure that once you generate the BOMain.key for the cloned repository that the VERY FIRST THING that you do is to go into Supervisor and change the connections to all of your universe and document domains, or else your clone security domain will still be pointing to your original universe and document domains, and you’ll get cross-linked repositories.

(Here’s an entry in the Supervisor FAQ that talks about this.)

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)