My configuration is
Broadcast Agent Publisher V6.1a will work on a Web Intelligence V6.1b Windows 2000 Server with Apache/Tomcat.BCA Scheduler 6.1b. It works great.
I then installed BCA Publisher V6.1a, and I’m having some problems with the JSP pages and the application server. The Publisher Web Application service does not get registered.
When the user clicks on the Publications link, an error message “Page cannot be displayed” occurs.
I several times re-installed Publisher and manually created the Publisher Web Application service but I cant start the servis .
I got the massage: The requested URL /BCAPublisherWILink/controller.jsp was not found on this server.
I looked for controller.jsp and I see BCA Publisher installed only controller.asp.
I found the 6.1b BCA Publisher ?letter but I cant run Publisher,yet.
I actually did get this to work BUT I had to configure a wiasp using IIS. The BCAP 6.x does work within a Windows/Apache/Tomcat but because it uses ASP and VB Scripts it needs an ASP environment as well.
I am currently working on installing BCAP 6.5.1 and having the same type of issues. The new release looks like it should work completely within a JSP environment…but I still have not been able to get it to work. Installation is fine, but I am getting a “Page Not Found” error after clicking on the Publication Link.
My 6.5.1 Publisher installation is still getting the http 404 error. The BCAP installation guide says to enter the following in the httpd.conf file:
JkMount /BCAPublisher/* ajp13
JkMount /BCAPublisherWILink/* ajp13
This didn’t seem to resolve anything. I have also modified the bcapublisher.js like in other releases, but still no luck! My guess is that the virtual directories are missing for the Http server.
I had prev tried JKmounts for each indiv app - no go!
What r u doing about your situation? - I’ll prob post tech support & our account rep … but will scratch around in the meanwhile …
I am having the same issue with BCA Publisher v6.5.1 on my JSP (Apache Tomcat) WebI server: “The requested URL /BCAPublisherWILink/Controller was not found on this server.”
I posted a case to the support. They asked me to check several things as to add “JkMount /BCAPublisher/* ajp13” and “JkMount /BCAPublisherWILink/* ajp13” in the httpd.conf.
I cannot restart my Apache 2 service when modifying this file.
Hey all, just got back from the user conference and met a great Pre-sales guy, very knowlegable! I guess there are a few! Here is a possuble solution he e-mailed me…Im going to try in just a few but thought I would share
For Windows Server running Infoview JSP and IIS for Publisher ASP pages.
Stop Webi and Publisher services
\broadcast agent publisher\Shared\plugin\bcapublisher.js
\nodes<node name><cluster name><configuration>\wijsp\scripts\plugins, replacing the existing version.
Then edit the file so that the reference to the Publisher URL is made absolute, For example: