BusinessObjects Board

WebI Report-Excel format

WebI report is saves as .xls file.Users do calculations,pivot based on the columns,functions in Excel.
WebI Report Column 1 iwhen exported to .xls is converted to two columns-A,B in Excel.there is no one to one correspondence between the Excel columns and the report heading columns.Users are not able to do Excel based calculations.
Any thoughts on this would be of great help

rd (BOB member since 2004-10-19)

In InfoView check your Preferences on the WebI tab. Verify that “Prioritize easy data processing in the Excel document” is select under “Select MS Excel format:”

bgray :us: (BOB member since 2005-06-22)

Changing the preferences made no difference to me, but I did find that the export jumps a column in excel whenever it encounters the end of a text cell, so…

if you have a report with a title, the cell for which stops a third of the way acropss the page, excel will jump a column at approximately that distance when you schedule that report to excel. A workaround it to stretch all your titles and other single text cells to extend further than the the end of the rightmost column on the report.


Debbie :uk: (BOB member since 2005-03-01)