XLS 000003

Hi all ,

I have published my dashboard on BI launchpad when i am opening it …

it is throwing an error of XLS 000003 - network connectivity to BO Server

Error - although all the connections look fine … the error message says

that some Object IDs are missing from CMS …

please, help in this regard …

meetsaiat :india: (BOB member since 2012-05-25)


please provide details of the connection used in building the dashbaord .
o/p file details, connectivity.

mohan2708 (BOB member since 2012-05-21)

Check whether Dashboard Processing server and cache server are enabled and running.
Check list for Add Query to work:

  1. Adobe Flash installed
  2. CMC -> Applications -> Web Service -> Access URL properly set - http://:8080/dswsbobje
  3. CMC -> Servers -> Dashboard Design Services - both Processing server and Cache server should be enabled and running.


Rango90 (BOB member since 2012-11-13)

Hi everyone. I have same problem, but dashboarsd work only with Admin rigths. I can not find where (connection, univers or other) I should add right for query dashboards. Help please.

ambaharev (BOB member since 2017-04-18)