XI R2 Repository Tables

Can anyone point me to the table(s) that contains the folder names for documents (not category)? Thanks in advance, Nick

nrakich :us: (BOB member since 2004-08-03)


The BOXI repository contains only 5 tables:


It looks like the information you need is contained in BLOB’s in the table CMS_InfoObjects5. :wah:
Unreadable for me…


JdVries :netherlands: (BOB member since 2006-02-06)

Perhaps I should state this another way. I assumed I knew what I was talking about. I thought the tables I was looking at were the repository, but maybe not. I can see a number of tables that begin with “OBJ_A_", "OBJ_M_”, “UNV_", "WA_”, etc. In OBJ_M_CATEG I am able to see the categories I set up in InfoView. If I’d like to see the Folders I set up in InfoView, do I need to look at the tables you mentioned (which I won’t) - or might what I’m looking for be elsewhere?

Thanks Johan.


nrakich :us: (BOB member since 2004-08-03)


You are talking about BI XI R2.
The table you are talking about are of a previous versions (5.x or 6.x).

There are no such tables in XI R2.

Sorry (again),

JdVries :netherlands: (BOB member since 2006-02-06)

I understand. Thanks for your help.

nrakich :us: (BOB member since 2004-08-03)

Sorry to contradict but I was using CI_INFOOBJECTS, CI_APPOBJECTS and CI_SYSOBJECTS for all my SDK needs. I am working with XI R2. The first contains information about folders and documents, the second contains information about the universes and the third contains information about the connections. I was working with the UNIX version of Business Objects but checked the same in the windows version too. There is no change. :?:

pj820 (BOB member since 2005-10-07)


That is very interesting !
Maybe they are views that come with the SDK?..
Can you give me more info?
Owner, Columns etc…


JdVries :netherlands: (BOB member since 2006-02-06)

Sorry for a very delayed update but here is a thread in which I explained details of what it is:

pj820 (BOB member since 2005-10-07)