Xcelsius 2008 SP3 - AVAILABLE

Xcelsius 2008 SP3 - AVAILABLE for download NOW :!:

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Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

ok guys (and girls)… let’s hear about your experiences (both positive and negative) with SP3.

Ruune :us: (BOB member since 2007-08-13)

the initialization is much better. Good performance.

Im now checking other things

Swimmer :netherlands: (BOB member since 2006-08-23)

hi there

you can find out new features here


dandamudi :india: (BOB member since 2008-07-03)

saw that… just trying to open discussion about 1st hand experiences. Thanks!

Ruune :us: (BOB member since 2007-08-13)

I loaded it just fine. the new components where there. Our shop is able to test SAP software, so we’ve had this for awhile. Its stable.(so far).

I opened my sp2 file with it, and got the normal version warning…that once you open a xlf in sp3, you cant go back.

My xlf was a production file that I wanted to put some of the new components into…there are over 350 components in my file…it was converted without a problem.

Whats nice is that the property sheets changed…so I didnt have to replace anything with a new component. For instance, you can include the chart time sliders right away. Took about 10 seconds to figure out.

Only one issue with the new install. sp3 will import your settings (like the way you keep your tool panels). sp3 pushed my panels off screen. I had to change resolution to see them, close the panels, and then reopen them on the view menu. After that, things were good.

the optimization for excel comes on by default. It seems to work well. My swf’s initialized in about 30 seconds on sp2…with sp3 its down to 12-15.

Cairmor :us: (BOB member since 2008-06-05)

Had nightmares with SP1 for “Problem accessing Excel: Exiting” error. Un-installed it and later installed SP3 and now i don’t get that error. Definatelly faster in-terms of starting up and previewing.

Tried simulating similar error in SP3 in comparison to SP1 and feel that erros are better logged. Just an initial observation.

boe_bods :india: (BOB member since 2008-03-14)

After complete of sp3 installation … Custom color scheme are gone .:cry: .
So please careful while installation make sure that all custom color schemes should be take backup…

BTW – I forgot to take backup i lost all my color schemes :hb:

dandamudi :india: (BOB member since 2008-07-03)

Where is the engage version sp3?? It’s not available at the SAP website…?

rchagas (BOB member since 2009-09-03)

Go to this: http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/boc/downloads

Follow the link for Crystal Reports and Xcelsius.

boe_bods :india: (BOB member since 2008-03-14)

Previewing, Saving, and exporting will take 3x longer because of the Excel optimization.

SWF initialization should be alot faster (twice as fast literally in my case) because of the excel optimization.

Cairmor :us: (BOB member since 2008-06-05)

According to SAP – DL the Enterprise version. Its the same as Engage, but with enterprise connectivity.

Cairmor :us: (BOB member since 2008-06-05)

Thank you Cairmor!

rchagas (BOB member since 2009-09-03)

Keep getting error - Can not generate SWF with minimal components and minimal data where XLF worked in SP2. It crashed out with out of memory error when loading help.

fknaut :us: (BOB member since 2005-08-04)

can you upload a file to look at…maybe the xlf?

Try unchecking the Excel optimization in File >> Preferences.

Other than that…I would just uninstall/reinstall and skip the troubleshooting for this error. My first try at downloading the SP3 from the SAP site didnt work…as the d/l file was corrupt. I did it again, and things worked great.

Cairmor :us: (BOB member since 2008-06-05)

Download was no the issue. I tried multiple times, multiple ways. With and with Excel Optimization. SP3 has issues.

fknaut :us: (BOB member since 2005-08-04)

I read this post whilst in the midst of installing SP3 and thought oh no… but in my instance my custom colours were retained.

However, can anyone get Alerts by Value working for the new you beaut scorecard…talk about a dangling carrot :roll_eyes:

The Emu :australia: (BOB member since 2002-09-13)

Download was no problem…so far so good…

katullus :us: (BOB member since 2009-08-21)

I have installed SP3, and my open doc calls no longer work. I have tried exporting it both with the spreadsheet optimized and not. The link generated is like this from pre-SP3…

And like this for after…

Anyone else seeing these issues? Any ideas?

Jamie Oswald :us: (BOB member since 2007-11-12)

Cairmor :us: (BOB member since 2008-06-05)