I cannot change name of my excel sheets. When I try to change the names I have the following message: “Workbook is protected and cannot be changed”. If I try to unprotect the workbook I have to enter a password which I don’t have.
This is strange I never set a password on the workbook.
Dont have your cursor in a cell that contains a formula when trying to change a workbook name…I have seen this cause the error that you are seeing.
Dont have Excel running separately from Xcelsius at the same time.
Your workbook may be corrupt. This happened from time to time in Excel 2k and 2003. A workaround is:
1)Export the Excel book from the Xcelsius model with Data>>Export. Close Xcelsius. Open the book with Excel, try to change something. If the workbook is indeed protected you will get a message saying so.
If so, then make a new Excel file, and copy the worksheets into the new file. Save.
Make sure the worksheet names match exactly.
Reimport the new file into your model.
**Changing worksheet names will break all your component bindings. You will have to re-bind them. Also, sometimes, even when the worksheet names match exactly, you will lose your bindings on import. Its not supposed to happen, but it does with versions 2008 sp1 and above.
If you never get a protected message with the exported Excel file, then just reimport it into the model.
Remember not to have Excel and Xcelsius open at the same time during this process.
My best guess based on the activity I’ve seen is that the workbook gets locked at some point during the binding process. I can’t tell if it always gets locked and usually gets unlocked, or only sometimes gets locked. Since doing little things like renaming sheets can cause such havoc, Xcelsius tries to minimize it.