Using Webi SDK, I am viewing the reports (.rep) in the browser. I need to close the WISession when closing window using [b]X[/b] button at top most right corner of the browser. How can I do that.
I kept a close button to do that. But it is submitting the request to the controller as per my design but the mean time, WISession becomes null.
So can anyone help me how can I prceed for this scenario.Is there any other solution.I need to close WISession as it is increasing for each browser open.
It’s very hard to say without seeing any of your code.
If the wisession id is increasing for every page that you are opening, then you must be calling the .open method of the server to open a new session on every page.
Instead, you need to call the .getsession method of the server object and test the .isvalid property to see if a session already exists.
If it does then you can move on, only if the session doesn’t exist do you need to open the session, create the WebIntelligenceSession cookie, initialise the ReportEngine and the continue on with open documents or whatever.