

We’ve an application developed in J2EE, WebI (SDK), Business Objects and Windows. We can’t commicate the BO server directly as there is load balancing server in between, which distibutes requests to 2 BO Servers.
In this senario what ORB Agent IP Address and Port should placed in the wibean.orb.properties file ?
We tried with load balancing server IP address in the properties file, but it failed to recognise it.

or is there any other approach to establish a communication b/w server and application ??


sree (BOB member since 2004-01-09)

Is your wibean.orb.properties file located in the directory where you start your Tomcat or What ever u are using?

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

It is located in the bin directory of Websphere 5.0


sree (BOB member since 2004-01-09)

We also have the same cofiguration here. In our case we could directly point to the WebI server so directly pointed our SDK to one of our WebI servers. If you find anything that allows you to use load balancing in SDK then please let us know.


h_rajurkar :india: (BOB member since 2003-07-14)