why this query can not find the report?


I use this query to find reports from specific universe

select si_name from ci_infoobjects where parents(\"si_name='document-dsl.universe'\",\"si_name='BL_MyUniv.unx'\")'

It does not bring one of my reports . But if I write this it comes:

select si_name from ci_infoobjects where parents(\"si_name='document-dsl.universe'\",\"si_name='BL_MyUniv.unx'\") and SI_NAME ='My specific Report'

why this query brings and other query does not?

thanks in advance

eym (BOB member since 2013-05-13)

How many records are being returned by the first query? If it’s 1000, you’ve hit the default limit of how many the query engine will return. Try changing the first part of the query to "select top 10000 si_name " and see whether that will return your report.

Also, if you just want to see the report templates without any instances, try adding “and SI_INSTANCE = 0” to the end of the query.


hilfy :us: (BOB member since 2007-04-16)