Where Does Universe List Come From?

It comes from your C:\drive normally under businessobjects\universe. There
will be a list of universes. You can delete these from your c:\ drive. Any
universe that you delete from this drive will get reimported (if it exists
in the repository) when you try to run a document.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rudy Betke [SMTP:rbetke@HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 1999 3:08 PM

So, getting back to Reporter … Where does that Universe list
information come from, and how do I get rid of the Universe name entry
from that list, since it really doesn’t exist?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Actually, the list appears to come from all universes in the
\businessobjects\universe folder, plus all universes in the
\businessobjects\universe\universe folder, plus any universe in the
repository that you have access to. In fact, if Supervisor says you do not
have access to a universe, it will not show up on your list even if it is
stored on your hard drive, I believe.

Erich Hurst
Compaq Computer Corporation

“It is so easy to break eggs without making omlettes.” – C.S. Lewis

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

To add one more point, The list will be shown from the repository as well
as the File Location path
which has been specified in the Business Objects reporting tool.
If you look at the Tools --> Options —> File Location , all paths are
defined here.
And also you can change the location as per the requirement, for User
Documents, User Templates, Universes and Scripts.

Hope this information will help you.

N G Nagesh.

Actually, the list appears to come from all universes in the
\businessobjects\universe folder, plus all universes in the
\businessobjects\universe\universe folder, plus any universe in the
repository that you have access to. In fact, if Supervisor says you do not
have access to a universe, it will not show up on your list even if it is
stored on your hard drive, I believe.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

The question is:
In Business Objects Reporter, under Tools, Universes, it brings up a
list of available Universes. For example, it shows “ABC Widgets” and it
resides in the “Universe” repository. BUT, when I open up Supervisor,
that Universe is long gone and IS NOT in that repository.

So, getting back to Reporter … Where does that Universe list
information come from, and how do I get rid of the Universe name entry
from that list, since it really doesn’t exist?

The universe is probably still on the local machine. Remove the universe from
the local hard drive of the machine that you are running reporter from. This is
probably why the universe is still showing up in your list of universes. Hope
this helps.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)