What reports use a particular object?

Here’s the scenario:

I want to modify an object in our Universe. The question is, of the reports that our group uses, what reports have data providers that contain this object?

Is there a way to find this out?


dj2002rob (BOB member since 2010-10-14)

There is this utility which fetches names of the Dataprovides,objects and class along with its SQL. To make this work you will have to place all .rep files in directory along with this. Open the List Objects Used - XI With SQL.rep from the same directory and refresh it.

List Objects Used - XI With SQL.rep (207.0 KB)

soniasb19 (BOB member since 2010-09-21)

Can someone familiar with macro based reports please check this out to verify it’s authenticity?

dj2002rob (BOB member since 2010-10-14)

This is a rather strange question to ask.

  1. It implies that you do not trust the person who posted the solution.
  2. No. 1 is fair play so long as you apply this distrust across the board.
  3. If you follow 2 then whoever checks it out for authenticity for you cannot be trusted and therefore the answer that that person gives, cannot be trusted.
    which leaves you at square one, not knowing whether the code is authentic or not.

pablolee :uk: (BOB member since 2008-07-29)


1.)While I appreciate the submission, the user has no previous posts
2.)That being said, it’s a completely legitimate concern considering I am not familiar with how to view what a macro-based report could potentially be doing
3)I do not apply this distrust across the board. Like any other forum, if it is a well developed discussion, with experienced members of the community, I would have no reason to question it.
4)If a trusted member of this forum says it’s good, I trust it

dj2002rob (BOB member since 2010-10-14)

I think both observations are probably valid, however there is no official certification process on BOB. If someone provides an upload in the uploads area, then a moderator will take a look to make sure it’s not completely wrong (a trojan horse or virus or other executable) but nobody checks code for validity and correctness even if that case. All attachments should be considered “use at your own risk.”

If you choose not to use the script because the provider has only one post that is completely within your rights. However, there isn’t any sort of formal review process sponsored by BOB.

That doesn’t mean that someone won’t do as you request, but there is no formal process for doing so. Thanks.

All that being said, there is a utility posted by a long-time and trusted :slight_smile: BOB member in the downloads area.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)