What is the comparable functionality in Cognos Impromptu?

We are making heavy use of the opendocument function call using a url through webIntelligence. The requirement seen throughout the organization is to be able to do contextual navigation, when navigating from a summary report to a detail.

As many of you know, the opendocument function is BusinessObject’s version of a software easter egg! It is undocumented and very little is known about the list of required and optional parameters. What is known is that migration between environments is painful since the opendocument function requires a document id. In addition, opendocument function does not allow for opening the detail document into a new browser window, hence losing the context (activex viewer is standard viewing here). Then, when linking to a detail document, by going back in the browser you lose your location within the summary report (e.g. if you were on page 24 to perform your detail link, you are bounced back to the top of the report). In summary, it’s just not a viable workflow for this type of requirement.

What I would like to know is how is this handled in impromptu web reports? I have only used the two-tier version of the product, and have never seen the html\applet representation of these reports. It advertises it does report-to-report linking for quick navigation, which would immensely improve workflow. Could someone who has experience with this product give me some details on how this functionality is implemented in Impromptu web reports? In addition, do similiar issues exist?

Thanks in advance

risaacson (BOB member since 2003-02-25)

Check out this thread.

Cindy Clayton :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-11)

Thanks Cindy,

Already went through that thread and those associated to Cognos\Bobj comparisons previously… to no avail.

Looking for a specific piece of functionality and how it works in Cognos. Was hopeing someone on the board may have implemented this report-to-report hyperlinking in cognos.

It’s a reach… but their must be at least one old Cognos consultant out there in the audience.

risaacson (BOB member since 2003-02-25)

You could try tek-tips. They have a Cognos forum.

Cindy Clayton :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-11)