BusinessObjects Board

WebSerice(Qaaws) Limitaions


I am using BO 4.0 and Dashboard Design 4.0… I have a Dashboard and using Web service to pull the data from the webi report…

Sometimes when running the dashboard I am getting “Java null pointer error”… I tried creating more than one Web service but still getting this error…

is there any limitations on how many Web Services I can make on server and any limitation on how many table blocks i can publish in that.


rajx72 (BOB member since 2006-08-02)

is there any limitations on how many Web Services I can make on server and any limitation on how many table blocks i can publish in that. ?

-No, Not that I know of

The Java error your getting is a very common Java error that occcurs with Java programs are compiled, most likely your leaving something blank or have your dashboard using or throwing nulls where it doesnt expect to see a null logic.

katullus :us: (BOB member since 2009-08-21)

Is this just a feature of Dashboards 4.x? That if we use BIWS with QAAWS then you will get a random java null pointer error every so often. I have found posts on how to modify the file for QAAWS to set caching off and also how to increase the heap size for Tomcat, we’ve tried both but neither solution has eliminated this error from occuring.

We are almost at the point of giving up on Dashboard designer and BIWS as for us the solution seems nice but we just can’t deploy something that will throw random errors sporadically.

weephil :uk: (BOB member since 2005-04-19)

One issue that we’ve seen repeatedly and confirmed with SAP is when you have multiple web services pointing to blocks on the same document. Especially if you are refreshing the web service instead of just using the latest document instance. They recommended that we break up the data so that there is only one block published from each document. It does seem effective, if not a complete solution.

Lugh (BOB member since 2009-07-16)

Hi Lugh,

Thanks for the reply. Funnily enough, I had actually tested the fact that it might be down to the fact that more than one connection is being refreshed against the same webi document latest instance at the same time.

When I tried to refresh two connections at once it would fail so what I do now is that I refresh one of the four connections every 15 seconds using a play control.

Seemed to work. The only downside is that on initial load we may still get an error as we are loading all four connections at once.

I guess we could resolve that by splitting out the webi docs.


weephil :uk: (BOB member since 2005-04-19)