weblogic 8.1

Hi to all,

I’m new with webintelligence…but I’m trying to deploy a customized application (with weblogic 8.1) and. I can’t :nonod:

I use Configuation Tool and when defining the application server I choose weblogic…and here begins my problems :confused:

Does anyone knows how to do it, please? I need help! :oops:

erfranky (BOB member since 2004-07-01)

And those problems would be, specifically…

Simply saying you have problems isn’t likely to spark much of a conversation. Please try to put down specific issues instead; you’re more likely to receive a response.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

Well, here you are…

I choose Manual application server detection: Weblogic, and I browse for the install directory…I have these errors: (I’ve got it in spanish…)

  • Error al detectar BEA JSP (Error: CFT 12501)
  • No se encontró la ruta de acceso. (Error CFT 10006) C:\bea81\config\

It tries to look for a directory called config in the path a enter…

And if I make that config directory with server.xml file in the next step in the Server Instance drop-down box is in blank :nonod:

That’s my problem…

Any help would be very appreciated, thanks :mrgreen:

erfranky (BOB member since 2004-07-01)