Hi, we are having problems with Contexts in WebIntelligence. Basically what it amounts to is any query that requires the user to select a context works fine if they hit run from the Web Panel. If they hit refresh however it goes off into never never land. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Hi, we are having problems with Contexts in WebIntelligence.
what it amounts to is any query that requires the user to
select a
context works fine if they hit run from the Web Panel. If
they hit
refresh however it goes off into never never land. Does this
familiar to anyone?
This is a long shot, since I do not work with WEBI, but I know the DocAgent (BO 4.1.0) has problems with this.
Could it be, by chance be that the universe changed recently? Then I know it will refresh the universe and try to generate the SQL automatically, but this will fail because it cannot ask for the context it
should use. May be something similar happens here?
Hi, we are having problems with Contexts in WebIntelligence. Basically what it amounts to is any query that requires the user to select a context works fine if they hit run from the Web Panel. If they hit refresh however it goes off into never never land. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Greg, yes I ran into something similar last week. My problem was I had a query that used 2 contexts. It did not force the user to choose a context, but rather generated multiple SQL statements (this is configurable in Designer). You’re right that this ran fine when I ran from the edit panel, but when I refreshed I got an eror. I’ve reported this to tech support under case # 71186.