I just installed webi 2.0 on an NT 4.0 machine with Netscape 3.5.1 server on it. The installation seemed to go fine. I am successfully able to connect to the administration interface. But, I can’t log on to the server as a user. When I go to http:\machine-name\wi and click on the logon icon I get “Document contains no data” error. (I do have the BOMain.key in the proper location). Has anyone experienced this before?
Try the following and let us know if it solves it. This came from a very good east coast Business Objects Sales Consultant:
There is a problem with WebI 2.0 and Netscape Entreprise Server 3.51. The HTTP server does not automatically get installed - You will have to do this manually (Page 165 Appendix B of the WebI Administrator’s Guide - Configuring Netscape Servers) The obj.conf and mime.types files are the files that will need to be modified. Add the WebI lines onto their server’s corresponding files and make sure you add the lines at the beginning each time. Here are the files so you can Cut and Paste.
The symptom you will experience if this is not done is the WebIntelligence manager service will not start correctly.
The next problem is the following:
When you click on the blue login button. “Document does not contain data” error comes up and never allows you to get into WebI.
The resolution to this is that you will need to rename the orb_r.dlls which do not belong to WebI.
Here is an extract of the readme:
Conflicting CORBA Components
If you are trying to install on a server that also contains other
applications that use CORBA supplied by Visigenic (like Netscape Entreprise Server 3.51), you may find that there is are conflicting versions of ORB_R.DLL. Rename the other DLLs so that WebIntelligence will operate correctly. WebIntelligence uses vesion 2.58 of the Visigenic ORB. This may be incompatible with other versions of the Visigenic ORB. This is why we recommend that WebIntelligence is installed on a dedicated server.
The HTTP server does not automatically get installed - You will have to do
this manually
To the credit of WebI 2.0, the http server was added and configured properly. Both the mime.types and obj.conf files were successfully modified. All I had to do was apply the changes through the Netscape server interface.
Conflicting CORBA Components…
Yes, there were two other instances of orb_r.dll that were installed by Netscape. I renamed them and left the ones that are under …\WebIntelligence.… But, this hasn’t solved the problem. I still get “Document contains no data” error when I try to click on the Blue login button.