WEBI2.0 Drilling problem

Dear WEBI-experts,

we are using WEBI2.0, IIS4.0 and MSExplorer4.0 (Version 4.72.2106.8). After a painfull procedure in order to get WEBI2.0 up and running we are encountering the next problem: we built a report inside WEBI2.0 using the drilling functionality. Whenever we try to drill we are getting the error message:
“Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http:///wi/bin/iswi.dll/cookie/wiqt/queryTechnique/GetDocWithDrill…”

The problem must be related to the MSExplorer software since the same drilling is working within a Netscape browser. Did anyone have similar problems or have a solution ? Thanks.

Andrea Halbherr

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

You need to get the service pack from Microsoft for IE. The version number should read: 4.72.3110.8.

This has a fix for the Java VM and other bug fixes.


Thomas Nather
Penske Logistics
email: Tom.Nather@Penske.com
Ph: 216-765-5787
Fax: 216-765-5666

“(Andrea Halbherr)” andrea.halbherr@CP.NOVARTIS.COM 11/26 7:54 AM >>>
Dear WEBI-experts,

we are using WEBI2.0, IIS4.0 and MSExplorer4.0 (Version 4.72.2106.8). After a painfull procedure in order to get WEBI2.0 up and running we are encountering the next problem: we built a report inside WEBI2.0 using the drilling functionality. Whenever we try to drill we are getting the error message:
“Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http:///wi/bin/iswi.dll/cookie/wiqt/queryTechnique/GetDocWithDrill…”

The problem must be related to the MSExplorer software since the same drilling is working within a Netscape browser. Did anyone have similar problems or have a solution ? Thanks.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)