Webi hide table when Report Filter is empty


My question pertains to conditional hiding. How can I hide a table when a report filter is empty or isnt being used? Or if i am using element linking, how do i say to hide a table when “no filter applied”? I was thinking something like this, however there isnt any isempty or isall functions:

=isempty(reportfilter([Filter Name])
=reportfilter([Filter Name] = “”)
=reportfilter([Filter Name] = “All values”)

I know there is an isnull function but the filter isnt actuall null, its just not being used?

Not really sure how to go about this issue, but I have been struggling with it for a while now. Thank you so much in advance!!

cecruff (BOB member since 2015-09-23)

Hi cecruff

Query reported by you is similar conundrum that I faced a year back.
Thankfully, I had the option of Input control which helped me conditional hiding of the table.
Consider the example,
Make your table with dimensions which should have atleast more than 1 value based on which your filter is applied.
Under the properties of the table, use
Hide If the formula is true

Hope this resolves your problem
Adiaxraj :wink:

adiaxraj :india: (BOB member since 2016-02-03)