Web Intelligence Applet


has anyone of you ever added the WI Applet to a custom application?

I finally managed to insert the applet into my application, but one error remains.

When creating a report inside the applet (currently running on my local machine) the reports are not correctly formatted.

This means WI uses not the ‘default’ colors, fonts and styles for creating the report. Instead the fonts are a couple of pixels larger, the background of the tables is blue and the colot of the fonts is yellow.

If anyone has an idea why this happens, or has inserted the applet successfully into a custom (JSP) application, please let me know.



haupto :de: (BOB member since 2004-04-16)

Do you have to have the SDK in order to install the Web Intelligence Applet in other programs?

The reason I’m asking is that we would like to set up a separate link outside of Webi to download the applet and we haven’t been able to figure out how to do it.

tim schulte :us: (BOB member since 2003-12-11)

I have similar kind of requirement,wherein the ZABO client (Applet)has to be called from custom application.Appreciate any idea on how do we achieve this.

girishm (BOB member since 2004-09-24)