Variable Only Works on Refresh

I have a variable that is defined as the following:

= If (<Discount 1 Pct(Query 1 with Universe)>  < 
       <Current Discount 1 Pct(Query 1 with Universe)>  Or 
       <Discount 2 Pct(Query 1 with Universe)> < 
       <Current Discount 2 Pct(Query 1 with Universe)>) Then "*" Else ""

The document is set to “refresh on open”. When I open the document and select my options the variable does not work. The * is not displayed where it is suppose to. If a refresh the document again the * does appear correctly. I have also tried using an Alerter, but I get the same problem.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


Jeff Furtek

JAF :us: (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

Bet ya it’s a memory issue. Why don’t you try simplifying your variable?Try something like this:

If (<Discount 1 Pct(Query 1 with Universe)> <>
       <Current Discount 1 Pct(Query 1 with Universe)>  Then 1

Do you need to deal with null values? If so try:

If Not isNull(<Discount 1 Pct(Query 1 with Universe)>) and Not IsNull(<Current Discount 1 Pct(Query 1 with Universe)>) then (If (<Discount 1 Pct(Query 1 with Universe)> <>
       <Current Discount 1 Pct(Query 1 with Universe)>  Then 1)

I’d stay away from using " " as a data value. This generates a space, rather than a null. This can be a big pain when you’re trying to filter on nulls, and it’s a space instead! Leave this part of the logic empty and BO will make it null for you.

SteveBickerton :canada: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Are you 6.x? If so, it may be a bug. I remember that one.

Cindy Clayton :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-11)

I already tried removing the Else “” and I still get the same problem. I can’t simplfy the formula because I am checking if the Discount #1 is less than the Current Discount #1 OR if Discount #2 is less than Current Discount #2.

JAF :us: (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

Yes, I am currently at 6.x.

JAF :us: (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

This is a bug in 6.1a. I had the same problem when i used “Refresh on Open”.

The details about this bug can be found on BO site.
Bug Number : 1081977, 1081956, 1082914.


Kashif Saeed :pakistan: (BOB member since 2004-06-02)


Thanks for the information.


Jeff Furtek

JAF :us: (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

My pleasure Jeff.


Kashif Saeed :pakistan: (BOB member since 2004-06-02)