Variable condition from user response


Is there a way in BusObj (5.1.6) to have in the where clause of a variable condition (date dimension) to inlcude the prompt value (Input date).

For example:

= In ( , , , , ) Where ( = “04/05/04”)

Works however I would like it to be dynamic based on the input date:

= In ( , , , , ) Where ( = UserResponse(DataProvider() ,“WCDate - mm/dd/yy”))

The date in the data provider is in the format “mm/dd/yy” no times appended and the input date is in the same format.

I get a syntax error, why dont these dates match up and is there a better way?


skeezwiz (BOB member since 2003-07-22)

At BO Report Level the other side of WHERE Clause should be a constant… So what you can do is have a Flag Variable kinda stuff with IF THEN ELSE and check with the user entered date and have 1… Next in the Variable condition use = 1…

Sridharan :india: (BOB member since 2002-11-08)

A) Take a look at this FAQ Reporter post

B) Do a search on BOB, keyword: DMB0007

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

first create dimension and save the value of prompt in this and then put in condition

e.g of userresponse
dimensionVar=UserResponse(“Calls” ,“1. Please select start of date range dd/mm/yyyy)”)
“Calls” is the DP name and “1. Please select start of date range dd/mm/yyyy)” is the prompt name.

hassan :pakistan: (BOB member since 2003-08-01)

Umm :crazy_face: I dont think its possible cause:

sql server 2000 platform my query on FHSQL:

SELECT  * FROM        TableA
WHERE     (TableA.WCDate BETWEEN cast(@variable('WCDate - mm/dd/yy')  as datetime)-14 AND cast(@variable('WCDate - mm/dd/yy')  as datetime)) 

So its casting the response as a datetime and retrieving the last 3 weeks worth of data based on user input.

So when I get the =UserResponse() its automatically a measure because its already casted as date and unfortunately I cant use this in the where part of the variable because it expects a dimension object and not a measure.

e.g. MaxDate=If (Max()=UserResponse(DataProvider() ,“WCDate - mm/dd/yy”)) Then “Yes” Else “No”

MaxDate is a measure and cant use in (sum(measure) where (MaxDate=“Yes”) returns syntax error.


What I’m trying to do is produce a crosstab report like this:

                              WCDateA   WCDateB  WCDateC

DimA DimB measure measure measure

and highlight via alerter where measure > 3 in all of the dates.

e.g. Highlight in red the following:

4 5 6
7 6 5

and not

5 2 8
2 9 3
1 8 7 etc.

This is already working if I hard code the dates in the report but I want this to be dynamic and its really messy if I use 3 dataproviders for this.
Just imagine if the user want to see the previous 6 or 8 weeks worth of data.


skeezwiz (BOB member since 2003-07-22)

I think you are not using the prompt in Qurey use the
where Date Dim=@prompt() this will return the required result. then no need of if condition. Control from Qurey.

hassan :pakistan: (BOB member since 2003-08-01)

Unfortunately @prompt() doesnt work in FHSQL.
Nonetheless I have completed this task with a simple t-sql query using case statements coupled with union and having criteria on the grouped list.

Now I can use this query as my Dataprovider.

But If anybody can get it to work that would be greatly appreciated.


skeezwiz (BOB member since 2003-07-22)

Why would that be? A local report variable defined using UserResponse alone shoud be a detail object.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

FHSQL definitely support the Prompt:

Some Tutorial

hassan :pakistan: (BOB member since 2003-08-01)

Still no luck, my DP now is:

SELECT  * FROM        TableA 
WHERE     (TableA.WCDate BETWEEN @prompt('WCDate - mm/dd/yy','D',{'01-JAN-2001'},MONO,FREE)-14 AND @prompt('WCDate - mm/dd/yy','D',{'01-JAN-2001'},MONO,FREE)) 

However when I enter “04/05/04” I get the following error msg:

[Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server] : Syntax error converting the varchar value ‘04/05/2004 00:0:0’ to a column of data type int.245

So I casted the @prompt input value to a datetime and it goes through and
I capture the =UserResponse() to a var say and now its a detailed object (no associated dim).

But when I do this =sum() In (,) where ( = ) I get a syntax error.

Any ideas?

skeezwiz (BOB member since 2003-07-22)

Your problem I believe is: WHERE ( = ).
Look here in FAQ Reporter.

An advice: Please, try a search on BOB first, suggested keywords: Your error code

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

use this in your qurey to cast the date in string
select convert(varchar(20),dob,101) Date_of_birth from Person
which mm/dd/yyyy
and then check it.

hassan :pakistan: (BOB member since 2003-08-01)