Using the @variable

Hi - I’m trying to use the @Variable. Per the on-line help, the format is @variable(‘myname’). What do I use for ‘myname’ when I want it to point to the value from an @prompt?

Per the documentation, I should specify the first argument entered in the @prompt function as the ‘myname’ for the @variable. What is the first argument? Is it the name of the @prompt that I created?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Per the documentation, I should specify the first argument entered in the @prompt function as the ‘myname’ for the @variable. What is the firstargument? Is it the name of the @prompt that I created?

The first argument is the Phrase you use to prompt the user. Like “Which Month?” or “Pick a year”. BO treats that phrase as a variable name. You can now refer using @Variable(“Which Month?”) and get the same value used for both the prompt and the variable.

David Jelinek

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)