Has anyone tried interfacing Business Objects (4.1.2) with Lotus Notes database version 4.5 (Lotus Sql ODBC version 2.04 provided by Lotus Notes)? Is this supported?
We have been currently trying to create this setup where everything seems to be working except for dates. It seems that any date field in Lotus Notes is being translated to BO as a character. Is there something in Notes or BO that needs to be changed so that BO will understand the date fields as dates?
It is possible that dates in Notes are not really date/time which is what BO requires. I had a similar problem with DB2 v2.x. The fields were defined as dates in the database, but were character in BO. When DB2 came out with date/time fields, it worked fine.
I don’t know if I did sent this email earlier since I was having email problems. So I am trying again. My apologies if I did. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi,
Has anyone tried using Business Objects(version 4.1.2) to report from a Lotus Notes database (version 4.5) and Lotus Sql ODBC (version 2.04)?
It seems that all is well, except with dates. For some reason BO translates all Notes date fields as character type. Is there something that needs to be changed either in BO or Notes to make BO understand them as date fields?