Urgent 6.5 help with repository


We’re in quite a bind here. We have 10 production reports still running in 6.5.4. We couldn’t move them because of the macros that didn’t work in XI. Our authentication servers are all being upgraded to Windows 2008 but 6.5.4 is still on Windows 2003 so authentication will no longer work. I’m trying to disable LDAP security but I keep getting an error in the Security Configuration tool (GPF in ConfigTool). To top that off, someone disabled NT authentication in Supervisor so I can’t get back in :frowning: And to make matters 100% worse SAP’s not able to help.

How can I at least get back into Supervisor through a back door or something.

I will be EXTREMELY grateful if someone’s able to help.

Thank you in advance,

kvangor :us: (BOB member since 2003-03-20)

if you have locked your general supervisor account, try this

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

Thank you.

Unfortunately it’s not that simple. Someone checked or unchecked the box in Supervisor that prohibits the use of the NT Authentication driver (USR0063) so now I can’t get back in to fix it. We can’t disable NT authentication because of the error in the security configuration tool :frowning:

It’s a mess.


kvangor :us: (BOB member since 2003-03-20)

Yes, And I dare not understanding all. Could you explain the situation in another way ?

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

Sure, I’ll try to explain better :smiley:

  1. We’re currently using LDAP for authentication but the LDAP server is being retired. We’re trying to switch from LDAP to Business Objects authentication using the Security configuration tool but we’re getting the GPF error that I’ve attached. We only have 10 reports running in our 6.5 environment and only 2 admins with access. No one is logging on thru the portal.

  2. You’ll see what’s happening in the 2nd screenshot. Within Supervisor there’s a setting to disable the NTLM driver. This was checked inadvertantly so now we can’t even get into Supervisor or BCA because we’re using NTLM/LDAP which we can’t turn off, which is issue #1.

Does that make more sense?

Thanks Bernard!

kvangor :us: (BOB member since 2003-03-20)

what is your target ? retrieve the reports ? Maybe you should try to create another ew repository then link the document repository to this one and access the reports stored on it. In all case, duplicate the repository database first to make tests

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

Thanks Bernard. I really appreciate you taking the time to help us out.

Well, we’d like to keep the server/reports running until we can convert them to XI 3.1. Unfortunately without being able to change the authentication from LDAP to BO in the security configuration tool we won’t be able to do that.

For now, we really need to be able to access Supervisor and BCA in case the reports fail. We’re not able to do that after selecting the NT driver setting in Supervisor.

Do you think creating a brand new repository will allow us to access Supervisor and BCA while also keeping the 10 reports running?

Thank you,

kvangor :us: (BOB member since 2003-03-20)

ok, then, for the moment your reports are still runing without troubles ? Then, you have no trouble. I can’t understand how you can’t connect to your supervisor using a bo user having the required rights ! Have you lost your password ? In this case, apply the hints I give you previously

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

Thanks Bernard for all your help.

We can’t access Supervisor because the NTLM driver was disabled (setting in Supervisor) and we’re still using NTLM authentication because we can’t change authentication in the security configuration tool which keeps failing.

Instead of continuing to spend time trying to figure this out we’re doing what we should have done a long time ago, move the reports to XI 3.1. We’ll have to figure out the macro issue (not sure if you have any ideas on that one), but at least we can finally retire our 6.5 server.

Do you know anything about macros in DESKI? We have reports with a macro that deletes a tab in an Excel file that works locally but not when scheduled in BO.

Thanks again,

kvangor :us: (BOB member since 2003-03-20)

macros are still supported in deski 3.1 with some slighty changes and deprecation which prevent me to say “ok, your macro will run” (or not)

you have to think more in term of process than in term of vba action or other. What process do you perform with your current 6.5 reports and macros ? regarding the new tools in BOXI 3.1, how can you achieve it with this new release. for example a lot of actions previously in vba can be performed nativelly with the publications functions in XI 3.1

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)