Upgrading from Sybase 11.9 to 12.5

We have just upgraded our Sybase Database from 11.9 to 12.5 and I was wondering how I could manipulate (if possible) the applications to now point to the new server instead of the old? The repository is already created - we just BCP’ed the data from the 11.9 to the 12.5. I’ve tried to do this in the Supervisor by setting up the connection to 12.5 and removing the 11.9 but I receive an error when trying to login. If more info is needed I will definitely provide. Thanks in advance.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

You might have to regenerate your *.key file (via safe recovery in Supervisor at startup time).

What error message do you get?

Finally, please read through the FAQ Supervisor

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Acutally, the error message I received was when I completely deleted the BOMAIN.KEY file off of my computer. Sorry for that. Could I try modifying the repositories locations through Tools - Repository in the Supervisor application? How do I regenerate the BOMAIN.KEY? Sorry if I’m asking real simple questions, I got thrown onto the upgrade with no knowledge of Business Objects. Thanks again.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

Please, read the link to FAQ Supervisor I provided before.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Sorry, I didn’t even see that link. Thanks for your help.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

I now get the, “No Security Domain Exists for this connection ADW0010” error. Do I need to setup a System or User DSN in ODBC? Thanks again.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

If you are using ODBC (I recommend using native DB middleware whenever possible though) then you will have to configure a System DSN - your Sybase DBA should be able to provide you with the detail information you will need.

You will have to distribute the new *.key file and the System DSN to all Business Objects Full Client (aka 2-tier) installations (including WebI & BCA servers).

On a side note:
I strongly encourage attending training classes for Business Objects

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Thanks again for your help, however, I was still not able to go through with the safe recovery after adding the Sybase server to the system DSN.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

Why not? What problem are you encountering? Please, be more specific…

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

I am receiving the same error as before, “No Security Domain Exists for this connection ADW0010.” I looked into things a little more and we don’t have an ODBC listing for the Sybase 11.9 server. All of our Sybase connections are listed in DSEDIT. Hope this clearifies. Thanks again.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

Jesse – is it possible that your security domain tables were in a different Sybase database (maybe even on the same instance), and that you didn’t BCP those over to the new server? (If you’ve got DSEdit set up to point to the new server, the connectivity should not be an issue.)

When you try to create a new BOMain.key with a safe recovery, you are entering the connection information to the security domain. You’ve got to point to the instance and database where those tables reside.

The security domain tables are about 25 tables that begin with OBJ_M_xxxxx. Those should be totally open (Read, Write, Update, etc.) to the userid that is being used in the BOMain.key.

Then, in the security domain, you can set the connection information for the Universe / Document domains, and for database tables (which should be the first thing you do once you create the new BOMain.key file.)

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

Anita, thank you for your response. All of the OBJ_M tables are present with the appropriate permissions set but I’m still receiving the “No Security Domain Exists…” error when I attempt to run a safe recovery and our connections to the new server work. Thanks again.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

Hmmm – let’s just go through the steps to make sure we’re not missing something obvious in your attempt to do a safe recovery.

You start Supervisor.

Instead of logging in, you click the Admin button, which launches the Administration Setup Wizard.

On Choose Setup Configuration, you click the radio button to “Run a safe recovery”.

On Define the Repository Connection, you click the drop-down for Select the network layer, and choose “Sybase Open Client”.

Then you click the Setup button.

So far, is that all correct?

Then, on the Sybse Open Client window that it launches, you pick the right Sybase Database Engine for your new server, and you enter the

User Name & Password for the privileged userid that has all rights to the OBJ_M tables in question


the new Database and new Server where those tables were cloned.

Are there any divergences from what I think you’re doing? In particular, you’re not clicking the checkbox that says to use the BusinessObjects username and password, are you?

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

Anita, thank you again. That is exactly what I am doing. I also compared the permissions on those tables to the ones on our production 11.9 and they are the same. Does the bomain.key have anything to do with it? Thanks again.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

Yes – the above steps were all about creating a new BOMain.key file to get to the cloned repository. When you were done with the above steps, you should have saved it with a different name – or, in advance, you should have renamed your old BOMain.key file to (say) BOMain_old.key.

So, you finish the above steps, and save it.

You then log into a BusinessObjects module (say, Supervisor), and pick the new BOMain.key file from the drop-down list for Security Domain – and then what happens?

(Actually, there’s a point I left out above – you did use the General Supervisor id for the Safe Recovery, didn’t you?)

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

Anita, thanks again. I do not have a new bomain.key; I get that error “No Security Domain Exists…” when I click next after entering in my new server connection information. I wish I could get to the point where I login into the supervisor module and update the other settings. Thanks in advance.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

OK, so let’s get back to Step 1.

You start Supervisor, getting ready to do the safe recovery.

What userid do you enter? Is it GENERAL?

And, there’s a special password to enter on that step as well, as documented in the Supervisor guide.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

Thanks again, Anita. I use the GENERAL login/pwd. I then click Admin or Ok, it takes me to the same screen. I click Begin and then choose Run a Safe Recovery. Then I select Sybase Open Client Network Layer and click Setup to enter the new connection information in. I enter the information in and then I click test to make sure it works. If it works, I click Ok. Then I click Next to move onto the next step and that is where I receive the “Security Domain Does Not Exist…” error. Thanks again.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

So the Sybase instance that you use – and the database name – are the precise place where the OBJ_M tables reside? Are you sure? Because the error you’re getting sure sounds like it’s not finding them there. Who owns the tables? Is it the userid that you’re using in the new BOMain.key connection information? If not, who?

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

Anita, thank you again. Sorry I am just responding, I was out for a couple days. Our Sybase database is where the tables reside, I am counting 24 of them, but you (and tech support) said there should be 25 OBJ_M tables. The owner of the objects are dbo. Also, I looked the permissions on our current production version and they match what is on our 12.5 test version. I could also not run a safe recovery on the 11.9, was a table dropped at some point? Thanks again.

  • Jesse

psuphish05 (BOB member since 2004-07-06)