Do any one tried updating UNV_CLASS_DATA table in repository
my requirment is
I have got lot of universes (of course lot of classess too)
none of them have class descriptions
so i want to know whether we can update the repository using simple update statements to enter class description
because we have got same class in different universes
do anyone know what i have to give for carriage return in update script
any ideas?
if any one tried this and can you post your codes
Updating the Repository Database is not supported/recomended. If you have the SDK try creating a VB Script to loop through your universes/classes to make the necessary changes. I have done this to add descriptions to the 800+ objects we have along with re-naming all of the object names from the default to a moe friendly name. Some VB code is out there using the BO Designer SDK. Once you get the basics like opening and looping through the classes and objects, the rest is somewhat easy.
Thanks for your reply
can you post the code,
yes ofcourse I can try using VBA ,but looking for something to do fast,anyway how did you entered the object descriptions is it one by one? or mass update
can you post the code?
Sub UpdateUniverseClass()
Dim objDes As New Designer.Application
Dim ObjUniverse As Designer.Universe
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Call objDes.LoginAs("", “”, False, “BOMain”)
Set ObjUniverse = objDes.Universes.Open(“u:\profile\Application Data\Business Objects\Business Objects 6.0\universes\20040415.unv”)
For Each Class In ObjUniverse.Classes
For Each Object In Class.Objects
MsgBox (ObjUniverse.Name & Chr(9) & _
Class.Name & Chr(9) & _
Object.Name & Chr(9) & _
Object.Select & Chr(9) & _
Str(Object.Show) & Chr(9) & _
Object.Description & Chr(9))
It doesn’t get much faster than this … and yes it is a mass update. Assuming you are not the one coming up with the descriptions, then the Excel-based technique makes even more sense.