Update to Variable Rollup

UPDATE: I initially sent wrong info!
I have the following situation:

PERIOD WEEK Actual Forecasts
7 27 2000 2500 2000
7 28 3000 3000
7 29 4500 4500

What I want to see when I rollup to Period is the following:

PERIOD Actual Forecasts
7 2000 10000 9500

What I get is the following:

PERIOD Actual Forecasts
7 2000 10000

any suggestions??

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


I’m not sure what the last column is (ie, ).
It appears that the middle column (ie, Forcasts) is summing properly while Actual and the last column are not. Did you verify that the measures that are not summing are defined the same as the Forecasts measure? I would think that you would have that measure defined as the SUM(table.forecasts). Verify that all your measures use the aggregate SUM() function.

Donald May

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)