
Hi All,

Since I have had many requests for copies of the script I have written, I
thought it might be nice to just publish this.

Attached is the script to be submitted to DAS for writing to PDF format.

The trick is to write to the Distiller Printer which creates the
C:\DISTASST.PS file. This is then moved to an IN folder watched by the
Distiller Assistant which will then convert it into PDF and move it to an
OUT folder.

(See attached file: Dasaspdf.spt)

You will need to modify the constants in the scripts to suit your

The logic of the script is as follows :

  1. Use the Title of the report for the destination filename. If the title
    is blank, use UNKNOWN. (The title is set using File/Properties from BO)
  2. Print the report to the Distiller Printer. ( This name is one of the
    constants )
  3. Wait for C:\DISTASST.PS to be created (This will timeout after 150
  4. Move DISTASST.PS to the C:\IN folder with the new name.
  5. Lauch Distiller Assistant
  6. Distiller Assistant should have been configured to watch C:\IN for .PS
    files and create the PDF files in the C:\OUT folder.
  7. Wait for the PDF file to be created in the C:\OUT folder
  8. Move the PDF file to the destination LAN folder.
  9. Log the various steps to the LOG file.

Here are some instructions I put together for installing Acrobat Distiller

Install Acrobat Distiller 3.01

  1. Start Control Panel / Printers
  2. Add Printer
  3. Next
  4. Select File
  5. Next
  6. Choose HP, HP LaserJet 4/4M PS
  7. Next, Next, No Test Page, Finish,
  8. Insert NT Server CD for the drivers
  9. Load Acrobat 3.01 CD
  11. Next, Yes,
  12. Check OFF all options and ON for only Acrobat Distiller 3.01
  13. Next, Next, Name, Company, Serial Number,
  14. Next, Yes, Next, Check OFF Register and Read Me
  15. Finish
  16. OK
  17. Remove CD

Setup Adobe Distiller as a service ( Only if you have the Resource Kit )

  1. Start DOS Window
  2. INSTSRV AcroDistiller SRVANY.EXE
  3. Run the Registry Editor (REGEDT32.EXE):
  4. under
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AcroDistiller: create
    a ‘Parameters’ key
  5. under the above key, create an ‘Application’ value of type REG_SZ and
    specify the following value C:\Acrobat3\Distillr\ACRODIST.EXE
  6. Exit from Registry Editor
  7. From Control Panel, click Services
  8. Select AcroDistiller then click Startup
  9. Set Startup to Automatic
  10. Check ON $B!H (BAllow service to interact with Desktop $B!I (B
  11. Click OK and Start AcroDistiller service
  12. Acrobat Distiller will start
  13. Select Actobat 2.1 Compatible
  14. From Menu, Distiller, watched Folders,
  15. Add Folder
  16. Select C:\
  17. OK
  18. Check ON $B!H (BDelete files in Out folder older than 10 days $B!I (B
  19. Exit
  20. From Control Panel, click Services
  21. Select AcroDistiller then click Startup
  22. Check OFF $B!H (BAllow service to interact with Desktop $B!I (B
  23. Click OK and Stop AcroDistiller service

Bankers Trust Co.
(212) 602-1842


Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=“Dasaspdf.spt”

Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Dasaspdf.spt (???/----) (0000E5D9)

Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 17:39:30 +0100

          Réf. : Re: Réf. : combining incompatible objec

I have a query which is returning sums of volumes, sums of prices, and
average prices. BO splits this into 2 queries which are joined on all of
the common fields (all fields except the above). I have put the sales on
one tab and the purchases on a second tab. I created a weighted average
price as a variable defined as the Total Purchase Dollars / Total
Purchase Volume, which are defined as sums in the second tab. I want to
subtract this variable (Weighted Average Price) from each Sales price on
the first tab to get a margin for each row.

When I attempt to do this, I get #IERR in each margin column.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)