I did what you have suggested but still I am getting same error.
Looks like I am missing something while installing.
Can anyone please let me know the process of “installing Live Office when upgraded from Professional to Premium”..
How can I verify that I have upgraded to Premium as we are not finding any Live Office server components in CMC.
We have upgraded from Professional to Premium by giving Premium license key in the CMC. Do we still need to get Live Office License key separately and enter in the CMC?
What is the pre-requisites for installing Live Office?
I think you are confusing the server install vs client install.
With you BOE server your license key determines if the BOE system will have the dswsboje service enabled or not. If you have a Premium license then it is automatically active. You can check if it is active by going to the web site: http://yourserver:8080/dswsbobje/ (XI 3.x)
Your client needs to have the Live Office client installed to enable MS Office to communicate with BOE. Live Office is an add-in to MS Office and you will see the menu option Live Office in Excel.
If you can’t get the client to work then uninstall it and reinstall it. What version of MS Office are you running?
Hi got this problem now in 2017
In my case the issue was the wrong version of .Net.
I had an old version av SAP with .Net v4.0,
What i needed was .Net v3.5 installet on my PC with win 10.