Universe/Report anomalies

sorry for the length in advance, but…

anyone encounter freaky universe/report activity using DB2 UDB on the AS/400 v4r3 with Client Access middleware and BO 4.1.4 that might be linked to the system catalog?

We have created new universes against a preproduction database and are finding difficulties in Designer recognizing the database tables. We have tested both ‘libraries’ created with an SQL Collection statement and without…

in reporter we get freaky activity trying to add conditions, only the Both or Except options show up for text fields we also get ‘Internal memory error generating SQL’ errors in reporter we find that new queries against several test universes against a few copies of the database create no ‘Group By’ clause when generating SQL (a minor DW problem)
Also, we are finding that the limit resultset option is not using the number parameter for the resultset but as a number of rows to query…

Designer can’t find the tables in our database and they are definitely ‘there’…but reporter will let us query using that same universe, with the above mentioned results. The designer errors are spurious and inconsistent…confusing the matter more…

any takers?

Mike Lingo

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

you wrote :

sorry for the length in advance, but…

anyone encounter freaky universe/report activity using DB2 UDB on the AS/400 v4r3 with Client Access middleware and BO 4.1.4 that might be linked to the system catalog?

Check what strategy you are using in the designer for Tables? Some time built-in strategies
won’t work?

Hope it helps?


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)